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Author Topic: Funball code  (Read 1452 times)
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M Benesi
Fractal Schemer
Posts: 1075

« on: September 10, 2016, 08:03:56 AM »

  It's also a plane!   If you set the RotXYangle=0, it's a plane.  RotIter changes the starting iteration of the rotation (which is applied every iteration thereafter). 

  Basically, it's a thin cylinder, copied around a bunch.  I think eventually we could try a more complex shape to copy, but until then.  Try changing the splitrads around in the presets. 

  You might want to increase the range in the code (of the splitrads) so the sliders don't stop you.  I set it low (-20 to 20) because I wanted a bit more control?? hmm... 



I use a modified ray tracer, so you'll have to change the include statement to the name of a raytracer you have, if you don't have this one. 

#version 120
#info  Funball. Benesi.
#define providesInit
const float pi=2.*1.570796326794897;
const float pi2=2.*pi;

#include "MathUtils.frag"
//  Change the raytracer if you don't have this one!!!
// colors are set up for it though...
#include "Fast-Raytracer-with-Textures.frag"

float sr32=1.2247448713915890491;   
uniform float time;
 float dummy(vec3 p) {
return time;
const float sr13=sqrt(1./3.);
const float sr23=sqrt (2./3.);

// Number of fractal iterations.
uniform int Iterations;  slider[0,5,100]

//uniform int ColorIterations;  slider[0,8,100]

uniform float lengthC; slider[0,10,30]
uniform float widthC;slider[-2,0,2]

//   NOTE:
//  going to add a polygon (not polyhedral!) to circle
// transform later, for application at some iteration/iterations
// it will hopefully... do neat stuff like it did in M3D
//  Benesi

//uniform int StellIter; slider[0,0,30]
//uniform float starangle;slider[-3.1416,0.0,3.1416]
//uniform float starangle2;slider[-3.1416,0.00,3.1416]

//set both sides to 3 for a tetra hedron, 4 for a cube, and that's it for the Platonics from this set
//uniform float sides;slider[2.0,6.0,15.0]
//uniform float sides2;slider[2.0,8.0,15.0]
vec3 Stellate (inout vec3 z) { 

float rCyz=abs(atan(z.z,z.y)); 
float i=1.;
while (rCyz>pi/sides && i<sides) {rCyz-=pi2/sides; i++;}
float rCxyz;

  rCxyz= abs(atan(sqrt(z.y*z.y+z.z*z.z),z.x));
while (rCxyz>pi/sides2 && i<sides2) {rCxyz-=pi2/sides2; i++;}

  rCyz= (z.y*z.y)/(z.z*z.z);

if (rCyz<1.) {rCyz=sqrt(rCyz+1.);} else {rCyz=sqrt(1./rCyz+1.);}

rCxyz= (z.y*z.y+z.z*z.z)/(z.x*z.x);
if (rCxyz<1.) {rCxyz=sqrt(rCxyz+1.);} else {rCxyz=sqrt(1./rCxyz+1.);}




//uniform vec3 RotVector; slider[(-1,-1,-1),(1,1,1),(1,1,1)]
//uniform float RotAngle; slider[-360.00,0,360]

uniform float RotXYangle; slider[-360.00,0,360]
uniform int RotIter;slider[0,1,99]

//mat3 rot;
mat3 rotxy;
//mat3 rotinv;
void init() {
rotxy = rotationMatrix3(vec3(0,0,1), RotXYangle);
//rot = rotationMatrix3(normalize(RotVector), RotAngle);
//rotinv= rotationMatrix3(normalize(RotVector), -RotAngle);

uniform int Splits1; slider[1,4,33]
uniform int splititer1; slider[0,1,20]

uniform int Splits2; slider[1,4,33]
uniform int splititer2; slider[0,1,20]

uniform int Splits3; slider[1,4,33]
uniform int splititer3; slider[0,1,20]

uniform int Splits4; slider[1,4,33]
uniform int splititer4; slider[0,1,20]

int spliti2=splititer1+splititer2;
int spliti3=spliti2+splititer3;
int spliti4=spliti3+splititer4;

//increase the limits if you want too.....
uniform float Splitrad1; slider[-20,1,20]
uniform float Splitrad2; slider[-20,1,20]
uniform float Splitrad3; slider[-20,1,20]
uniform float Splitrad4; slider[-20,1,20]

float splits=Splits1;
float splitrad=Splitrad1;

vec3 split(inout vec3 z) {   //int split version!!!!!

float ryz;
float ratrack=pi2-pi2/splits;
float rotadjust=-pi/splits; 
float pintrack=pi/splits;
float pi2splits=pi2/splits;
float  i=0.0;
float omega=atan(z.z,z.y);
if (omega<0.0) {omega+=pi2;}

while (omega>pi2splits && i<floor(splits+1.0)) {


return z;

//#include "FeedBack.frag"

float DE(vec3 z)
int n = 1;
int m=n;

while (n <= Iterations) {

if (n>=RotIter) {z*=rotxy;}

if (m<=splititer1) {splits=Splits1;splitrad=Splitrad1; split(z);}
else if (m<spliti2) {splits=Splits2;splitrad=Splitrad2; split(z);}
else if (m<spliti3) {splits=Splits3; splitrad=Splitrad3;split(z);}
else if (m<spliti4) {splits=Splits4;splitrad=Splitrad4; split(z);}
else {split(z);m=0;}

orbitTrap = min(orbitTrap, vec4(abs(z),length(z)));


return max(length(z.xz)-widthC,abs(z.y)-lengthC);  //yup, it's a cylinder

#preset Default
FOV = 0.4
Eye = 29.14345,-1.519427,-2.139277
Target = 4.300402,0.4048966,-0.2264567
DepthToAlpha = true
depthMag = 1
ShowDepth = false
AntiAlias = 1
Detail = -2.3
DetailAO = -0.5
FudgeFactor = 1
MaxRaySteps = 110
BoundingSphere = 4
Dither = 0.5
NormalBackStep = 1
AO = 0,0,0,0.7
Specular = 4
SpecularExp = 16
SpotLight = 1,1,1,0.4
SpotLightDir = 0.1,0.1
CamLight = 1,1,1,1
CamLightMin = 0
Glow = 1,1,1,0
GlowMax = 20
Fog = 0
HardShadow = 0
ShadowSoft = 2
Reflection = 0
EnableFloor = false
FloorNormal = 0,0,0
FloorHeight = 0
FloorColor = 1,1,1
PalettePercent = 100
BackgroundColor = 0.0627451,0.0627451,0.04313725
GradientBackground = 0.3
pBaseColor = 0,0,0
BaseStrength = 0.3
cSpeed = 13
pOffset = 40.60151
pIntensity = 1.395349
color0 = 0,0.7294118,0.9490196
Sharp0to1 = false
Dist0to1 = 1
color1 = 0.01176471,1,0.8862745
Sharp1to2 = false
Dist1to2 = 1
color2 = 0.007843137,0.7019608,0.9960784
Sharp2to3 = false
Dist2to3 = 1
color3 = 0.1568627,1,0.01176471
Sharp3to0 = false
Dist3to0 = 1
orbitStrengthXYZR = 1,1,1,1
BaseColorTex = 1
tex1 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/burning-fire-.jpg
tex2 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1005.jpg
tex3 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1025.PNG
tex4 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1034.jpg
SpeedMult = 1
TextureSpeed = 1.216216
intensity = 2.5
orbitTexX = 0,0,0,0.1
orbitTexY = 0,0,0,1
TextureOffset = 76,28
BaseMapType = 0
testA = false
tsides = 4
tsides2 = 4
HeightMapType = 0
HeightMap1Tex = 1
HeightIter = 0
HighStrength1 = 1
hTextureOffset1 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed1 = 1
HeightMap2Tex = 1
HeightIter2 = 0
HighStrength2 = 1
hTextureOffset2 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed2 = 1
HeightMap3Tex = 1
HeightIter3 = 0
HighStrength3 = 1
hTextureOffset3 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed3 = 1
HeightAngle3 = 3.14
HeightVector3 = 1,0,0
HeightStart3 = -1
HeightEnd3 = 1
HeightTextSpeed3 = 1
HeightTextIntensity3 = 1
DropOff = 1
cylinder = 0.01,9,0.2
Iterations = 22
ColorIterations = 8
FBTarget = 0,0,0
ApplyOnIteration = 0
FormulaType = 1
ApplicationType = 1
FeedbackRadius = 0.25
FeedbackStrength = 0.2
feednormdist = 0.01
FBRotVector = 0,0,0
FBRotAngle = 0
FeedBackCutOff = 60
MaxFeedbackValue = 10
TargetDepthMult = 0.1
FeedbackVariable1 = 1
FeedbackVariable2 = 1
FeedbackVariable3 = 1
RotVector = 0,0,1
RotAngle = 0
RotIter = 1
Splits1 = 5
splititer1 = 6
Splits2 = 3
splititer2 = 9
Splits3 = 4
splititer3 = 1
Splits4 = 7
splititer4 = 4
rotaddin = 0
Splitrad1 = 1.492537
Splitrad2 = 2.208955
Splitrad3 = 1.492537
Splitrad4 = 1.134328
RotXYangle = 18.60656
Up = -0.058801,-0.9699836,0.2121306

#preset CrazyBall2
FOV = 0.4
Eye = 45.92135,19.41448,-3.782594
Target = 0,0,0
DepthToAlpha = true
depthMag = 1
ShowDepth = false
AntiAlias = 1
Detail = -2.3
DetailAO = -0.5
FudgeFactor = 1
MaxRaySteps = 110
BoundingSphere = 4
Dither = 0.5
NormalBackStep = 1
AO = 0,0,0,0.7
Specular = 4
SpecularExp = 16
SpotLight = 1,1,1,0.4
SpotLightDir = 0.1,0.1
CamLight = 1,1,1,1
CamLightMin = 0
Glow = 1,1,1,0
GlowMax = 20
Fog = 0
HardShadow = 0
ShadowSoft = 2
Reflection = 0
EnableFloor = false
FloorNormal = 0,0,0
FloorHeight = 0
FloorColor = 1,1,1
PalettePercent = 100
BackgroundColor = 0.0627451,0.0627451,0.04313725
GradientBackground = 0.3
pBaseColor = 0,0,0
BaseStrength = 0.3
cSpeed = 13
pOffset = 40.60151
pIntensity = 1.395349
color0 = 0,0.7294118,0.9490196
Sharp0to1 = false
Dist0to1 = 1
color1 = 0.01176471,1,0.8862745
Sharp1to2 = false
Dist1to2 = 1
color2 = 0.007843137,0.7019608,0.9960784
Sharp2to3 = false
Dist2to3 = 1
color3 = 0.1568627,1,0.01176471
Sharp3to0 = false
Dist3to0 = 1
orbitStrengthXYZR = 1,1,1,1
BaseColorTex = 1
tex1 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/burning-fire-.jpg
tex2 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1005.jpg
tex3 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1025.PNG
tex4 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1034.jpg
SpeedMult = 1
TextureSpeed = 1.216216
intensity = 2.5
orbitTexX = 0,0,0,0.1
orbitTexY = 0,0,0,1
TextureOffset = 76,28
BaseMapType = 0
testA = false
tsides = 4
tsides2 = 4
HeightMapType = 0
HeightMap1Tex = 1
HeightIter = 0
HighStrength1 = 1
hTextureOffset1 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed1 = 1
HeightMap2Tex = 1
HeightIter2 = 0
HighStrength2 = 1
hTextureOffset2 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed2 = 1
HeightMap3Tex = 1
HeightIter3 = 0
HighStrength3 = 1
hTextureOffset3 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed3 = 1
HeightAngle3 = 3.14
HeightVector3 = 1,0,0
HeightStart3 = -1
HeightEnd3 = 1
HeightTextSpeed3 = 1
HeightTextIntensity3 = 1
DropOff = 1
cylinder = 0.01,9,0.2
Iterations = 22
ColorIterations = 8
FBTarget = 0,0,0
ApplyOnIteration = 0
FormulaType = 1
ApplicationType = 1
FeedbackRadius = 0.25
FeedbackStrength = 0.2
feednormdist = 0.01
FBRotVector = 0,0,0
FBRotAngle = 0
FeedBackCutOff = 60
MaxFeedbackValue = 10
TargetDepthMult = 0.1
FeedbackVariable1 = 1
FeedbackVariable2 = 1
FeedbackVariable3 = 1
RotVector = 0,0,1
RotAngle = 0
RotIter = 0
Splits1 = 5
splititer1 = 7
Splits2 = 2
splititer2 = 5
Splits3 = 4
splititer3 = 3
Splits4 = 7
splititer4 = 4
rotaddin = 0
Splitrad1 = 6.597015
Splitrad2 = 3.641792
Splitrad3 = -0.2089552
Splitrad4 = 1.850746
RotXYangle = -22.42857
Up = 0.2868111,-0.6445413,0.1737745

#preset SplitPlane
FOV = 0.4
Eye = 50,30.75957,-5.800992
Target = 22.36615,15.47297,-3.041924
DepthToAlpha = true
depthMag = 1
ShowDepth = false
AntiAlias = 1
Detail = -2.3
DetailAO = -0.5
FudgeFactor = 1
MaxRaySteps = 110
BoundingSphere = 4
Dither = 0.5
NormalBackStep = 1
AO = 0,0,0,0.7
Specular = 4
SpecularExp = 16
SpotLight = 1,1,1,0.4
SpotLightDir = 0.1,0.1
CamLight = 1,1,1,1
CamLightMin = 0
Glow = 1,1,1,0
GlowMax = 20
Fog = 0
HardShadow = 0
ShadowSoft = 2
Reflection = 0
EnableFloor = false
FloorNormal = 0,0,0
FloorHeight = 0
FloorColor = 1,1,1
PalettePercent = 100
BackgroundColor = 0.0627451,0.0627451,0.04313725
GradientBackground = 0.3
pBaseColor = 0,0,0
BaseStrength = 0.3
cSpeed = 13
pOffset = 40.60151
pIntensity = 1.395349
color0 = 0,0.7294118,0.9490196
Sharp0to1 = false
Dist0to1 = 1
color1 = 0.01176471,1,0.8862745
Sharp1to2 = false
Dist1to2 = 1
color2 = 0.007843137,0.7019608,0.9960784
Sharp2to3 = false
Dist2to3 = 1
color3 = 0.1568627,1,0.01176471
Sharp3to0 = false
Dist3to0 = 1
orbitStrengthXYZR = 1,1,1,1
BaseColorTex = 1
tex1 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/burning-fire-.jpg
tex2 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1005.jpg
tex3 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1025.PNG
tex4 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1034.jpg
SpeedMult = 1
TextureSpeed = 1.216216
intensity = 2.5
orbitTexX = 0,0,0,0.1
orbitTexY = 0,0,0,1
TextureOffset = 76,28
BaseMapType = 0
testA = false
tsides = 4
tsides2 = 4
HeightMapType = 0
HeightMap1Tex = 1
HeightIter = 0
HighStrength1 = 1
hTextureOffset1 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed1 = 1
HeightMap2Tex = 1
HeightIter2 = 0
HighStrength2 = 1
hTextureOffset2 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed2 = 1
HeightMap3Tex = 1
HeightIter3 = 0
HighStrength3 = 1
hTextureOffset3 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed3 = 1
HeightAngle3 = 3.14
HeightVector3 = 1,0,0
HeightStart3 = -1
HeightEnd3 = 1
HeightTextSpeed3 = 1
HeightTextIntensity3 = 1
DropOff = 1
cylinder = 0,9,0.2
Iterations = 23
ColorIterations = 8
FBTarget = 0,0,0
ApplyOnIteration = 0
FormulaType = 1
ApplicationType = 1
FeedbackRadius = 0.25
FeedbackStrength = 0.2
feednormdist = 0.01
FBRotVector = 0,0,0
FBRotAngle = 0
FeedBackCutOff = 60
MaxFeedbackValue = 10
TargetDepthMult = 0.1
FeedbackVariable1 = 1
FeedbackVariable2 = 1
FeedbackVariable3 = 1
RotVector = 0,0,1
RotAngle = 0
RotIter = 0
Splits1 = 5
splititer1 = 7
Splits2 = 2
splititer2 = 5
Splits3 = 4
splititer3 = 3
Splits4 = 7
splititer4 = 4
rotaddin = 0
Splitrad1 = 10
Splitrad2 = 4
Splitrad3 = 4.985075
Splitrad4 = 3.641791
RotXYangle = 0
Up = 0.3494966,-0.6016051,0.1672464

#preset IncreaseSplitrad3
FOV = 0.4
Eye = 50,30.75957,-5.800992
Target = 22.36615,15.47297,-3.041924
DepthToAlpha = true
depthMag = 1
ShowDepth = false
AntiAlias = 1
Detail = -2.3
DetailAO = -0.5
FudgeFactor = 1
MaxRaySteps = 110
BoundingSphere = 4
Dither = 0.5
NormalBackStep = 1
AO = 0,0,0,0.7
Specular = 4
SpecularExp = 16
SpotLight = 1,1,1,0.4
SpotLightDir = 0.1,0.1
CamLight = 1,1,1,1
CamLightMin = 0
Glow = 1,1,1,0
GlowMax = 20
Fog = 0
HardShadow = 0
ShadowSoft = 2
Reflection = 0
EnableFloor = false
FloorNormal = 0,0,0
FloorHeight = 0
FloorColor = 1,1,1
PalettePercent = 100
BackgroundColor = 0.0627451,0.0627451,0.04313725
GradientBackground = 0.3
pBaseColor = 0,0,0
BaseStrength = 0.3
cSpeed = 13
pOffset = 40.60151
pIntensity = 1.395349
color0 = 0,0.7294118,0.9490196
Sharp0to1 = false
Dist0to1 = 1
color1 = 0.01176471,1,0.8862745
Sharp1to2 = false
Dist1to2 = 1
color2 = 0.007843137,0.7019608,0.9960784
Sharp2to3 = false
Dist2to3 = 1
color3 = 0.1568627,1,0.01176471
Sharp3to0 = false
Dist3to0 = 1
orbitStrengthXYZR = 1,1,1,1
BaseColorTex = 1
tex1 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/burning-fire-.jpg
tex2 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1005.jpg
tex3 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1025.PNG
tex4 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1034.jpg
SpeedMult = 1
TextureSpeed = 1.216216
intensity = 2.5
orbitTexX = 0,0,0,0.1
orbitTexY = 0,0,0,1
TextureOffset = 76,28
BaseMapType = 0
testA = false
tsides = 4
tsides2 = 4
HeightMapType = 0
HeightMap1Tex = 1
HeightIter = 0
HighStrength1 = 1
hTextureOffset1 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed1 = 1
HeightMap2Tex = 1
HeightIter2 = 0
HighStrength2 = 1
hTextureOffset2 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed2 = 1
HeightMap3Tex = 1
HeightIter3 = 0
HighStrength3 = 1
hTextureOffset3 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed3 = 1
HeightAngle3 = 3.14
HeightVector3 = 1,0,0
HeightStart3 = -1
HeightEnd3 = 1
HeightTextSpeed3 = 1
HeightTextIntensity3 = 1
DropOff = 1
Iterations = 26
ColorIterations = 8
FBTarget = 0,0,0
ApplyOnIteration = 0
FormulaType = 1
ApplicationType = 1
FeedbackRadius = 0.25
FeedbackStrength = 0.2
feednormdist = 0.01
FBRotVector = 0,0,0
FBRotAngle = 0
FeedBackCutOff = 60
MaxFeedbackValue = 10
TargetDepthMult = 0.1
FeedbackVariable1 = 1
FeedbackVariable2 = 1
FeedbackVariable3 = 1
RotVector = 0,0,1
RotAngle = 0
RotIter = 0
Splits1 = 5
splititer1 = 7
Splits2 = 2
splititer2 = 5
Splits3 = 4
splititer3 = 3
Splits4 = 7
splititer4 = 7
RotXYangle = 0
Splitrad1 = 1.538461
Splitrad2 = -4.615385
Splitrad3 = -10.76923
Splitrad4 = 2.769231
lengthC = 18.34532
widthC = 0
Up = 0.3494966,-0.6016051,0.1672464

#preset Splitrad
FOV = 0.4
Eye = 29.14345,-1.519427,-2.139277
Target = 4.300402,0.4048966,-0.2264567
DepthToAlpha = true
depthMag = 1
ShowDepth = false
AntiAlias = 1
Detail = -2.3
DetailAO = -0.5
FudgeFactor = 1
MaxRaySteps = 110
BoundingSphere = 4
Dither = 0.5
NormalBackStep = 1
AO = 0,0,0,0.7
Specular = 4
SpecularExp = 16
SpotLight = 1,1,1,0.4
SpotLightDir = 0.1,0.1
CamLight = 1,1,1,1
CamLightMin = 0
Glow = 1,1,1,0
GlowMax = 20
Fog = 0
HardShadow = 0
ShadowSoft = 2
Reflection = 0
EnableFloor = false
FloorNormal = 0,0,0
FloorHeight = 0
FloorColor = 1,1,1
PalettePercent = 100
BackgroundColor = 0.0627451,0.0627451,0.04313725
GradientBackground = 0.3
pBaseColor = 0,0,0
BaseStrength = 0.3
cSpeed = 13
pOffset = 40.60151
pIntensity = 1.395349
color0 = 0,0.7294118,0.9490196
Sharp0to1 = false
Dist0to1 = 1
color1 = 0.01176471,1,0.8862745
Sharp1to2 = false
Dist1to2 = 1
color2 = 0.007843137,0.7019608,0.9960784
Sharp2to3 = false
Dist2to3 = 1
color3 = 0.1568627,1,0.01176471
Sharp3to0 = false
Dist3to0 = 1
orbitStrengthXYZR = 1,1,1,1
BaseColorTex = 1
tex1 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/burning-fire-.jpg
tex2 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1005.jpg
tex3 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1025.PNG
tex4 = C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1034.jpg
SpeedMult = 1
TextureSpeed = 1.216216
intensity = 2.5
orbitTexX = 0,0,0,0.1
orbitTexY = 0,0,0,1
TextureOffset = 76,28
BaseMapType = 0
testA = false
tsides = 4
tsides2 = 4
HeightMapType = 0
HeightMap1Tex = 1
HeightIter = 0
HighStrength1 = 1
hTextureOffset1 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed1 = 1
HeightMap2Tex = 1
HeightIter2 = 0
HighStrength2 = 1
hTextureOffset2 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed2 = 1
HeightMap3Tex = 1
HeightIter3 = 0
HighStrength3 = 1
hTextureOffset3 = 0,0
hTextureSpeed3 = 1
HeightAngle3 = 3.14
HeightVector3 = 1,0,0
HeightStart3 = -1
HeightEnd3 = 1
HeightTextSpeed3 = 1
HeightTextIntensity3 = 1
DropOff = 1
Iterations = 22
ColorIterations = 8
FBTarget = 0,0,0
ApplyOnIteration = 0
FormulaType = 1
ApplicationType = 1
FeedbackRadius = 0.25
FeedbackStrength = 0.2
feednormdist = 0.01
FBRotVector = 0,0,0
FBRotAngle = 0
FeedBackCutOff = 60
MaxFeedbackValue = 10
TargetDepthMult = 0.1
FeedbackVariable1 = 1
FeedbackVariable2 = 1
FeedbackVariable3 = 1
RotVector = 0,0,1
RotAngle = 0
RotIter = 1
Splits1 = 5
splititer1 = 6
Splits2 = 3
splititer2 = 9
Splits3 = 4
splititer3 = 1
Splits4 = 7
splititer4 = 4
RotXYangle = 18.60656
lengthC = 25.46763
widthC = 0
Splitrad1 = 6.153846
Splitrad2 = 37.69231
Splitrad3 = 43.84615
Splitrad4 = 11.53846
Up = -0.058801,-0.9699836,0.2121306

#preset KeyFrame.001
FOV = 0.4
Eye = -2.541803,-0.5598441,-1.38403
Target = 3.193846,1.186106,2.229
Up = -0.184223,0.9671923,-0.1749312

#preset KeyFrame.002
FOV = 0.4
Eye = -2.070433,-0.1533558,0.1076616
Target = 4.476472,1.692714,-1.544623
Up = -0.3142836,0.9255353,-0.2112114


Fractal Fertilizer
Posts: 373

« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2016, 11:35:25 AM »

Lots of fun there! Had to resort to fast-raytracer though, as the one with textures wouldn't let the whole thing compile:

Could not create fragment shader: 0(465) : error C7565: assignment to varying 'orbitTrap'
Failed to compile script (63 ms).

But fun forms, even a 'ball within ball' (lower middle)

Thanks a lot, Matt! smiley

Global Moderator
Fractal Senior
Posts: 1558

« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2016, 05:27:01 PM »

 afro A Beer Cup

Resistance is fertile...
You will be illuminated!

                            #B^] https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Fractals/fragmentarium
M Benesi
Fractal Schemer
Posts: 1075

« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2016, 07:06:24 PM »

Lots of fun there! Had to resort to fast-raytracer though, as the one with textures wouldn't let the whole thing compile:

Could not create fragment shader: 0(465) : error C7565: assignment to varying 'orbitTrap'
Failed to compile script (63 ms).
  3Dickulus told me a solution to that problem, and it apparently didn't propagate to my local files either (I remember trying it... but I don't know why it isn't in my code???).  I'm using the palette anyway.  Maybe make a palette only raytracer, and one with less palette options. 

  I've got to come up with an interesting coloring scheme anyway (by iteration of split, by location in split, etc.). 

Change    C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/original.jpg    to     ./      or something? 
uniform sampler2D tex1; file[C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/original.jpg]
uniform sampler2D tex2; file[C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1005.jpg]
uniform sampler2D tex3; file[C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1025.PNG]
uniform sampler2D tex4; file[C:/Users/MBenesi/Desktop/Fragmentarium-1.0.13-Qt_5_3_2_MinGW/maps/1034.jpg]

  Here is a quick youtube video (don't watch if epileptic):

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/A5zjoyMu1uE&rel=1&fs=1&hd=1" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/A5zjoyMu1uE&rel=1&fs=1&hd=1</a>

Global Moderator
Fractal Senior
Posts: 1558

« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2016, 08:41:44 PM »

nice work MB , that is definitely a fun ball!


1) if the texture files are in the Examples/Include folder you can just use the filename without the full path, planning to add an option in preferences dialog for a user defined path for textures
2) when distributing a frag that uses textures set them up to use the ones that come with Fragmentarium or include the files in the frag zip, again, if the texture files are in the Examples/Include folder they will automagically show up in the sampler widget pulldown list wink
3) sorry I don't recall the fix for error C7565: assignment to varying 'orbitTrap' but maybe 'varying' is the problem?
4) nah, that's all I got

Resistance is fertile...
You will be illuminated!

                            #B^] https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Fractals/fragmentarium
M Benesi
Fractal Schemer
Posts: 1075

« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2016, 09:51:00 PM »

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/4pHSJ-KaFCM&rel=1&fs=1&hd=1" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/v/4pHSJ-KaFCM&rel=1&fs=1&hd=1</a>

  With colors.  Working on palette only (no textures) fast raytracer for some coloring.

  Maybe try this frag (it writes to the orbitTrap variable- use the z and w for the most symmetric coloring) it with some version of knighty's ray tracers with palettes, for the cool effects?

Fractal Fertilizer
Posts: 373

« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2016, 10:40:40 PM »

Matt, had a go at things, (no programmer, me, so monkey, keyboard, you probably get the idea crazy eyes, praise to the frag gods for the debug dump ;} ) and the culprit is this bit

else if (MapType==1) {
      //color = texture2D(tex,textoff+angles*texturespeed)*intensity;

Tore it out and I am now funballing in full technicolor wink
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 11:00:40 PM by sabine62 » Logged

M Benesi
Fractal Schemer
Posts: 1075

« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2016, 01:12:29 AM »

Awesome... I updated the raytracer (in the following link) and made a frag called funballcolors too...

   Put the raytracer in the include directory if you want to use it.  Color set up?  doy... I didn't set them up in the presets.  Although apparently the "anim" in funball with colors does the color thing??  hmm..

  Textures are out of the raytracer.  Compiles a million times faster! 


Fractal Fertilizer
Posts: 373

« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2016, 09:35:29 AM »

Perfect, works like a charm and indeed: compiles twice as fast or even faster than my attempt too! Thank you, Matt! smiley
Also for the funballcolors:)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 09:43:17 AM by sabine62 » Logged

M Benesi
Fractal Schemer
Posts: 1075

« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2016, 06:16:22 AM »

  Quick post.  I added accordion code and now it makes magic carpets.  I suppose this stuff is where Persian rugs came from.  Funballwithaccordion in the following directory.  Also, try the MengerWithSplits- it makes Menger planets... 

   Anyway, I also made some incomplete Mandelbulb3d multi split functions (called ~~integersplit/ ~~integersplit3d), but don't have time to fix them up before I don't have access to the intertubes.  They are in the following directory as well:


  Code is even more half baked then usual.  Timelines being what they are, I've got to get some sleep before my long journey. 


  Have fun! 

Fractal Fertilizer
Posts: 373

« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2016, 12:37:53 PM »

Will have look at it;) Thanks again, Matt!

Tim Emit
Posts: 111

« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2016, 10:36:48 AM »

Thanks Matt : )
M Benesi
Fractal Schemer
Posts: 1075

« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2016, 01:36:45 AM »

  So... it evolves.  Using a solid object instead of a tube seems to work a bit better.  Also added "AdjustScale" to zoom in and out. 

  Not a fractal... cheesy

#version 120
#info  Funball. Benesi.
#define providesInit
const float pi=2.*1.570796326794897;
const float pi2=2.*pi;

//#include "FeedBack.frag"
#include "MathUtils.frag"
//  Change the raytracer if you don't have this one!!!
// colors are set up for it though...
//#include "Fast-Raytracer-with-Textures.frag"
#include "Fast-Raytracer-with-Palette.frag"

float sr32=1.2247448713915890491;   
uniform float time;
 float dummy(vec3 p) {
return time;
const float sr13=sqrt(1./3.);
const float sr23=sqrt (2./3.);

// Number of fractal iterations.
uniform int Iterations;  slider[0,5,100]

//uniform int ColorIterations;  slider[0,8,100]

uniform float lengthC; slider[0,10,30]
uniform float widthC;slider[-2,0,2]
uniform float ScaleAdjust;slider[-2,1,2]

//   NOTE:
//  going to add a polygon (not polyhedral!) to circle
// transform later, for application at some iteration/iterations
// it will hopefully... do neat stuff like it did in M3D
//  Benesi

//uniform int StellIter; slider[0,0,30]
//uniform float starangle;slider[-3.1416,0.0,3.1416]
//uniform float starangle2;slider[-3.1416,0.00,3.1416]

//set both sides to 3 for a tetra hedron, 4 for a cube, and that's it for the Platonics from this set
//uniform float sides;slider[2.0,6.0,15.0]
//uniform float sides2;slider[2.0,8.0,15.0]
vec3 Stellate (inout vec3 z) { 

float rCyz=abs(atan(z.z,z.y)); 
float i=1.;
while (rCyz>pi/sides && i<sides) {rCyz-=pi2/sides; i++;}
float rCxyz;

  rCxyz= abs(atan(sqrt(z.y*z.y+z.z*z.z),z.x));
while (rCxyz>pi/sides2 && i<sides2) {rCxyz-=pi2/sides2; i++;}

  rCyz= (z.y*z.y)/(z.z*z.z);

if (rCyz<1.) {rCyz=sqrt(rCyz+1.);} else {rCyz=sqrt(1./rCyz+1.);}

rCxyz= (z.y*z.y+z.z*z.z)/(z.x*z.x);
if (rCxyz<1.) {rCxyz=sqrt(rCxyz+1.);} else {rCxyz=sqrt(1./rCxyz+1.);}




//uniform vec3 RotVector; slider[(-1,-1,-1),(1,1,1),(1,1,1)]
//uniform float RotAngle; slider[-360.00,0,360]

uniform float RotXYangle; slider[-360.00,0,360]
uniform int RotIter;slider[0,1,99]

//mat3 rot;
mat3 rotxy;
//mat3 rotinv;
void init() {
rotxy = rotationMatrix3(vec3(1,0,0), RotXYangle);
//rot = rotationMatrix3(normalize(RotVector), RotAngle);
//rotinv= rotationMatrix3(normalize(RotVector), -RotAngle);

uniform int Splits1; slider[1,4,33]
uniform int splititer1; slider[0,1,20]

uniform int Splits2; slider[1,4,33]
uniform int splititer2; slider[0,1,20]

uniform int Splits3; slider[1,4,33]
uniform int splititer3; slider[0,1,20]

uniform int Splits4; slider[1,4,33]
uniform int splititer4; slider[0,1,20]

int spliti2=splititer1+splititer2;
int spliti3=spliti2+splititer3;
int spliti4=spliti3+splititer4;

//increase the limits if you want too.....
uniform float Splitrad1; slider[-20,1,80]
uniform float Splitrad2; slider[-20,1,80]
uniform float Splitrad3; slider[-20,1,80]
uniform float Splitrad4; slider[-20,1,80]

float splits=Splits1;
float splitrad=Splitrad1;

#group CarpetExtension

uniform float AccStart1y; slider[-20,-1,20]
uniform float AccCycle1y; slider[0.1,.6,30.]
uniform float AccEnd1y; slider[-50,-7,50]
uniform int AccIter1y; slider[0,0,20]
uniform int AccIter2y; slider[0,0,20]
uniform float AccStartz; slider[-20,-1,20]
uniform float AccCyclez; slider[0.1,.6,30.]
uniform float AccEndz; slider[-50,-7,50]
uniform bool AccZBool; checkbox[false]
float AccStart;
float AccCycle;
float AccEnd;

float Accordion (inout float zx) {
float cycle=abs(AccCycle);
if (cycle<.06) {cycle=.06;}
float i=0.0; //why did he use a float here?  :p
float cyclemod= mod(abs(AccEnd-AccStart),AccCycle);
if ((cycle)>abs(AccEnd-AccStart)) {cycle=abs(AccEnd-AccStart);}

if (AccEnd-AccStart<0.0) {

if (zx>AccStart) {
// do nothing
}  else if (zx<(AccStart+cycle) && zx>(AccEnd-cyclemod)){
while (zx<(cycle) && i<3000.0) {
if (zx<(cycle/2.)) {
} else {zx+=AccStart;}
else if (zx>AccStart+cycle && zx<AccStart) {
if (zx<cycle/2.) {
} else {
else if (zx<(AccEnd- cyclemod)  && zx>AccEnd) {
if (zx<cyclemod/2.0) {
} else {

else if (zx<AccEnd) {
} else {

if (zx<AccStart) {
// do nothing
}  else if (zx>(AccStart+cycle) && zx<(AccEnd-cyclemod)){
while (zx>(cycle) && i<3000.0) {
if (zx>(cycle/2.)) {
} else {zx+=AccStart;}
else if (zx<AccStart+cycle && zx>AccStart) {
if (zx>cycle/2.) {
} else {
else if (zx>(AccEnd- cyclemod)  && zx<AccEnd) {
if (zx>cyclemod/2.0) {
} else {

else if (zx>AccEnd) {

return zx;

uniform float AccStartSplit; slider[-20,-1,20]
uniform float AccCycleSplit; slider[0.1,.6,10.]
uniform float AccEndSplit; slider[-50,-7,50]
uniform int AccIterSplit; slider[0,0,20]
//uniform float AccStartSplit2; slider[-20,-1,20]
//uniform float AccCycleSplit2; slider[0.1,.6,10.]
//uniform float AccEndSplit2; slider[-50,-7,50]
//uniform int AccIterSplit2; slider[0,0,20]
vec3 split(inout vec3 z,inout vec4 ot,in int n) {   //int split version!!!!!

float ryz;
float ratrack=pi2-pi2/splits;
float rotadjust=-pi/splits; 
float pintrack=pi/splits;
float pi2splits=pi2/splits;
float  i=0.0;
float omega=atan(z.z,z.y);
if (omega<0.0) {omega+=pi2;}

while (omega>pi2splits && i<floor(splits+1.0)) {


if (AccIterSplit==n) {
/* else if (AccIterSplit2==n) {

return z;

//uniform vec3 tester;slider[(-50,-2,-2),(0,0,0),(50,2,2)]
//uniform bool testmorph;checkbox[true]
//uniform int bailouttype;slider[0,0,10]

float DE(vec3 z)
int n = 1;
int m=n;
float splitscale=Splitrad1*splititer1+

if (AccZBool) {
while (n <= Iterations) {

// if (n>=RotIter) {z*=rotxy;}

if (n==AccIter1y || n== AccIter2y) {

if (m<=splititer1) {splits=Splits1;splitrad=Splitrad1; split(z,orbitTrap,n);}
else if (m<spliti2) {splits=Splits2;splitrad=Splitrad2; split(z,orbitTrap,n);}
else if (m<spliti3) {splits=Splits3; splitrad=Splitrad3;split(z,orbitTrap,n);}
else if (m<spliti4) {splits=Splits4;splitrad=Splitrad4; split(z,orbitTrap,n);}
else {split(z,orbitTrap,n);m=0;}

//orbitTrap = min(orbitTrap, vec4(abs(z),length(z)));

//return length(z-vec3(widthC,0,widthC))-lengthC;
//return length(z);

return max(z.x-widthC,max(z.y-lengthC,z.z-lengthC)); 

//return max(length(z.xz)-widthC,abs(z.y)-lengthC);  //yup, it's a cylinder

//return max(length(tester.yz-z.xz)-tester.x,abs(z.y)-lengthC); 
#preset Default
FOV = 0.4
Eye = 3.290412,0.1255647,0.0502249
Target = 0.2943018,-0.0266986,0.0383124
Up = 0.0377611,-0.762804,0.2527415
DepthToAlpha = true
depthMag = 1
ShowDepth = false
AntiAlias = 1
Detail = -3
DetailAO = -0.5
FudgeFactor = 0.9
MaxRaySteps = 111
BoundingSphere = 2
Dither = 0.5
NormalBackStep = 1
AO = 0,0,0,0.7
Specular = 4
SpecularExp = 16
SpotLight = 1,1,1,0.4
SpotLightDir = 0.1,0.1
CamLight = 1,1,1,1
CamLightMin = 0
Glow = 1,1,1,0
GlowMax = 20
Fog = 0
HardShadow = 0
ShadowSoft = 2
Reflection = 0
EnableFloor = false
FloorNormal = 0,0,0
FloorHeight = 0
FloorColor = 1,1,1
BackgroundColor = 0.0627451,0.0627451,0.04313725
GradientBackground = 0.3
pBaseColor = 0,0,0
BaseStrength = 0.3
cSpeed = 3.478261
pOffset = 100
pIntensity = 2
color0 = 0,0.6941176,0.1372549
Sharp0to1 = false
Dist0to1 = 1
color1 = 0.01960784,1,0.9372549
Sharp1to2 = false
Dist1to2 = 1.060345
color2 = 0,0.01568627,1
Sharp2to3 = false
Dist2to3 = 1
color3 = 0.01568627,0.4039216,0.1137255
Sharp3to0 = false
Dist3to0 = 1
orbitStrengthXYZR = 0,0,1,0
Iterations = 30
lengthC = 30
widthC = 2
RotXYangle = 0
RotIter = 9
Splits1 = 3
splititer1 = 4
Splits2 = 3
splititer2 = 2
Splits3 = 5
splititer3 = 4
Splits4 = 4
splititer4 = 7
Splitrad1 = -4.615385
Splitrad2 = 24.23077
Splitrad3 = 26.15385
Splitrad4 = 17.5
AccStart1y = 3.225806
AccCycle1y = 7
AccEnd1y = -8.585858
AccIter1y = 2
AccIter2y = 4
AccStartz = -1
AccCyclez = 3.6
AccEndz = 6
AccZBool = false
AccStartSplit = -4
AccCycleSplit = 4.993104
AccEndSplit = -1.648352
AccIterSplit = 0
bailouttype = 1

#preset PaletteSet
BackgroundColor = 0.0627451,0.0627451,0.04313725
GradientBackground = 0.3
pBaseColor = 0,0,0
BaseStrength = 0.3
cSpeed = 13
pOffset = 40.60151
pIntensity = 1.395349
color0 = 0.6666667,0,0.9490196
Sharp0to1 = false
Dist0to1 = 1
color1 = 0,0.06666667,1
Sharp1to2 = false
Dist1to2 = 1.267241
color2 = 0,0.9921569,0.1647059
Sharp2to3 = true
Dist2to3 = 1
color3 = 0,0.7843137,1
Sharp3to0 = true
Dist3to0 = 1
orbitStrengthXYZR = 0,0,0.4,0.5

#preset KeyFrame.001
FOV = 0.4
Eye = -50,8.982328,-3.998503
FBTarget = 0,0,0
TargetDepthMult = 0.1
Target = -37.19853,6.505407,-2.703831
Up = 0.1347201,0.6621786,-0.0652287

#preset KeyFrame.002
FOV = 0.4
Eye = -50,8.982328,-3.998503
FBTarget = 0,0,0
TargetDepthMult = 0.1
Target = -37.19853,6.505407,-2.703831
Up = 0.1347201,0.6621786,-0.0652287

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