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UF 5 scupltureDaisies Daydream - a storyDragonfly on treebark
Daisies Daydream - a story
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Description: This is just a "quick"text. I am not English, but I think you will understand what I am telling you.


Little Daisy closed her eyes.

Her mother had placed a bed in the livingroom, next to a big window.
The afternoon sun was warming her small pale face.
She had been ill for more than a year.
She knew she wouldn't recover, but that knowledge didn't make her sad.
Daisy had created her own world.
Just as real as most people consider their world.

Colors were swirling on the rhythm of a song.
A happy song.

Laughing people.
Beautiful Landscapes.

Daisy smiled.

On the waves of the eveningbreeze a beautiful colordragon became visible.
It bowed before her and Daisy climbed on her back.
Yesterday the colordragon had promissed to take her to a party in a real castle.

Daisy felt excited.

While the song of colors surrounded her, the colordragon spreaded her wings.
Soon they were flying through the soft air filled with the scent of red roses.

Daisy felt happy.

The landscape underneath them changed and changed.
In the eveninglight a castle on a rock appeared on the scene.
The windows radiated wonderful warm colored light.
The soft air brought her tender waves of happy voices, coming from the castle.

Daisy felt thrilled.

The colordragon landed on a meadow near the castle.
A meadow filled with daisies.

Daisy felt at home.

The castlegate opened slowly.
Ah... colors, warmth, light, love, music...

Daisy felt overwhelmed.

She followed a rainbow melody and entered a big room.
Daddy ! Granny! ...the sister she had never known... and oh...

Daisy smiled.

Daisies mother entered the livingroom.
A silent tear ran down her face...

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Filesize: 856.73kB
Height: 676 Width: 900
Keywords: fractal dream death 
Posted by: Guest June 04, 2008, 01:02:18 PM

Rating: ***** by 1 members.

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