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Description: Fragmentarium- Kalis amazing surface


#info Amazing Surface by Kali - Based on Tglad's Amazing Box
#define providesInit

#include "DE-Kn8.frag"


#include "MathUtils.frag"

#define USE_INF_NORM
#group AmazingSurface

uniform int Iterations;  slider[0,17,300]
uniform int ColorIterations;  slider[0,3,300]
uniform float MinRad2;  slider[0.00001,0.25,2.0]
uniform float Scale;  slider[-3,1.5,3.0]
uniform int FoldType; slider[1,1,3]
uniform vec3 PreTranslation; slider[(-5,-5,-5),(0,0,0),(5,5,5)]
uniform vec2 FoldValues; slider[(0,0),(1,1),(5,5)]
uniform bool Julia; checkbox[false]
uniform vec3 JuliaValues; slider[(-5,-5,-5),(-1,-1,-1),(5,5,5)]
uniform vec3 RotVector; slider[(-1,-1,-1),(1,1,1),(1,1,1)]
uniform float RotAngle; slider[-180,0,180]

mat3 rot;

void init() {
    rot = rotationMatrix3(normalize(RotVector), RotAngle);

vec4 scale = vec4(Scale, Scale, Scale, abs(Scale))/MinRad2;
float absScalem1 = abs(1-Scale);
float AbsScaleRaisedTo1mIters = pow(abs(Scale), float(1-Iterations));

float DE(vec3 pos) {
   vec4 p = vec4(pos,1);
   vec3 c = Julia?JuliaValues:p.xyz;  
   for (int i=0; i<Iterations; i++) {
      if (FoldType==1) p.xy=abs(p.xy+FoldValues)-abs(p.xy-FoldValues)-p.xy;
      if (FoldType==2) p.xy=FoldValues-abs(abs(p.xy)-FoldValues);
      if (FoldType==3) p.xy=abs(p.xy+FoldValues);
      float r2 = dot(p.xyz, p.xyz);
      if (i<ColorIterations) orbitTrap = min(orbitTrap, abs(vec4(p.xyz,r2)));
      p *= clamp(max(MinRad2/r2, MinRad2), 0, 1.0);  
      p = p*scale;
   return ((length(p.xyz) - absScalem1) / p.w - AbsScaleRaisedTo1mIters);

#preset FineTrees
FOV = 0.36454
Eye = -8.05577,10.0832,-2.3261
Target = -24.5675,50.8026,-8.51141
FocalPlane = 0.93981
Aperture = 0.31977
InFocusAWidth = 0.95749
ApertureNbrSides = 4
ApertureRot = 233.413
ApStarShaped = false
Gamma = 1.4611
ToneMapping = 4
Exposure = 0.62445
Brightness = 1.09835
Contrast = 2.338
Saturation = 2.74585
GaussianWeight = 6.5884
AntiAliasScale = 0
Bloom = true
BloomIntensity = 0.94758
BloomPow = 7.7913
BloomTaps = 2
Detail = -4.16794
DetailAO = -1.40273
FudgeFactor = 1
MaxRaySteps = 1059
MaxDistance = 661.2
Dither = 0.10553
NormalBackStep = 1.8333
AO = 0,0,0,1
AoCorrect = 0.61256
Specular = 0.06526
SpecularExp = 50.62
CamLight = 0.811765,0.909804,0.937255,2
CamLightMin = 0.59923
Glow = 1,0.721569,0.490196,0.31962
GlowMax = 655
Reflection = 0.215686,0.160784,0.137255
ReflectionsNumber = 2
SpotGlow = true
SpotLight = 0.937255,0.905882,0.87451,6.3338
LightPos = -1.952,-10,10
LightSize = 0.59899
LightFallOff = 1.89794
LightGlowRad = 2.6961
LightGlowExp = 0.6697
HardShadow = 0.97534
ShadowSoft = 17.9324
BaseColor = 1,1,1
OrbitStrength = 0.34142
X = 0.717647,0.156863,0.372549,0.29064
Y = 0.690196,0.694118,0.627451,0.82046
Z = 0.807843,0.827451,0.705882,0.09604
R = 0.87451,0.772549,0.364706,0.3681
BackgroundColor = 0.0823529,0.0980392,0.0745098
GradientBackground = 0.02605
CycleColors = true
Cycles = 5.74917
EnableFloor = true
FloorNormal = 0.07634,-0.51272,-1
FloorHeight = -4.6887
FloorColor = 0.87451,0.203922,0
HF_Fallof = 0.60774
HF_Const = 0.02837
HF_Intensity = 0.06429
HF_Dir = 0.17094,0.12836,-0.37634
HF_Offset = 5.8128
HF_Color = 0.592157,0.670588,0.741176,1.08147
HF_Scatter = 4.6244
HF_Anisotropy = 0,0,0
HF_FogIter = 5
HF_CastShadow = true
CloudScale = 6.49916
CloudFlatness = 0.05128
CloudTops = -1.4102
CloudBase = -8.7848
CloudDensity = 0.1054
CloudRoughness = 0.5894
CloudContrast = 4.1978
CloudColor = 0.905882,0.886275,0.588235
SunLightColor = 0.698039,0.203922,0.105882
Iterations = 90
ColorIterations = 39
MinRad2 = 0.74287
Scale = 1.18524
FoldType = 3
PreTranslation = -1.0577,-1.3147,0.3074
FoldValues = 3.32055,1.3868
Julia = true
JuliaValues = -4.2014,-3.0333,-0.9426
RotVector = -0.52844,-0.7623,0.56294
RotAngle = -15.1956
Up = -0.939529,-0.630416,0.224005

Total Favorities: 1 View Who Favorited
Filesize: 406.4kB
Height: 1620 Width: 2880
Discussion Topic: View Topic
Keywords: timemit fragmentarium kali amazing surface trees desert encroachment 
Posted by: Tim Emit January 26, 2016, 12:41:44 PM

Rating: ***** by 3 members.

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