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Slice of the Mandelbulb Spine - 3D printedMANDELRING - 3D printed in STAINLESS STEELHYPER CUBIC - 3D printed Fractal Bracelet
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Description: The mandelbulb - rotated out from the 2D mandelbrot set to 3D by Daniel White and Paul Nylander: http://www.skytopia.com/project/fractal/mandelbulb.html by the means of hypercomplex mathematics and spherical coordinate magic.

LIfted out to reality by me with the means of DE-render from mandelbulb 3D as voxel-slices, made into vector 3D with Fiji, cleaned up in Meshlab, checked and repaired with Netfabb, sent to shapeways to be printed in stainless steel.

I have several models in different materials in production right now, and my next order will be in silver!

M3D > Fiji > Meshlab > Netfabb > Shapeways > your finger

I JUST LOVE TO WEAR THIS ONE, to feel the weight and structure of the mandelbulb around my finger...
Only negative with stainless steel is that it colors your finger, I recommend silver or one of the plastics to avoid this or if you have allergy against metal.

From less than 18€ (24$) in white, strong & flexible plastic at shapeways: http://shpws.me/oRV5

If you need other sizes, just PM me and I will make your size, this one has a diameter of 20mm
Total Favorities: 0 View Who Favorited
Filesize: 503.73kB
Height: 622 Width: 1200
Keywords: printed Fractal ring mandelbulb 
Posted by: KRAFTWERK August 29, 2013, 05:15:08 PM

Rating: ***** by 2 members.

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Global Moderator
Fractal Senior
Posts: 1439

Virtual Surreality

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August 31, 2013, 01:18:04 PM
Thank you Tabasco, and thank you for the tip, I'll try it out (you could also put a thin layer of transparent nail polish on the surface)

The reason for it coloring is probably because they infuse the steel with bronze in the process, and the color on the finger is a bit copper green...
Tabasco Raremaster
Posts: 172

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August 31, 2013, 12:15:07 PM
Awesome creation Johan.
Are you going to propose Julia ?

How strange that stainless steel causes stains  huh?

Depending on the sort of steel used you could find out what acid-treatement it needs to create a clean protection layer on the surface.

Even though it is stainless steel , contact with oxygen still makes it sort of rust, creating a dichroomtrioxide) (Cr2O3) coating.Mostly this layer is water and oxigen proof so the proces will be stopped by it's own product ( like the green copperoxide on copper stops further oxidizing) .

Every time you clean the ring the oxidizing starts over again.
Global Moderator
Fractal Senior
Posts: 1439

Virtual Surreality

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August 29, 2013, 08:28:41 PM
Thank you Joe, I am very pleased with the detail level on this one (it being so small) a bit sad that Shapeways seems to have polished away some of the mini-mini bulbs though...  afro
Fractal Lover
Posts: 232


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August 29, 2013, 06:48:10 PM
Nice work!  Your 3D prints are awesome!

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