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Posted by: Guest May 23, 2012, 01:05:08 AM

Rating: ***** by 6 members.

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Global Moderator
Fractal Senior
Posts: 2512

Fragments of the fractal -like the tip of it

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May 30, 2012, 11:59:03 AM
Wow kool
Fractal Phenom
Posts: 434

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May 23, 2012, 02:17:53 AM
Diagnosis Criteria : data : compositionality : modulating : under-balanced : out realmed : specific case study, admirable consummated imagery : attributes : harmonic rainbow colorations : light integers glorious executions!

subcontext commentary :

the conduct of the human fractal creator, does so by inputting integers,

The-out come of which is uncertain chaos!
Chaos is uncertain only a certain fraction of percentages of probabilities of a time chosen by you to measure!

Other times it can provide fractologic exonerations of the laws of mayhem,

in fractology common to false / true methodologies,

derivations in the underlying uncontrolled vehicles

such as event to optical nerve visualizations,

to brain

to mind

to thought

to application exercise in controlled output!

no no


will you, then, still what usually always happens always does not

in a certain percentages of the time,

it is in that percentile

that life begets life!


happen by this way

only by the tinniest of the most tiny fraction of times

but that is all that is needed

it might take time but when you have unlimited time, that currency is of no consequence,

that something creates it self

by spontaneous self evolution

through the use offered by involuntary free radical components

be they human



and use the sub-verging subvergence of these components : the freeness of the existence of a gullible mind to subvert it and place the integers in it, in certain cases,

integers, into the mind, be it yours or be ours, so it will be created.



Basic fractologic primordial mandate is to live!

Warning : it does exist, with a twist be free ride the horse of the force into eternity

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