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Description: Tweak of Theli-at's Pseudo Kleinian (PseudoKleinian-Progressive-DOF.frag) in the Experimental Examples in Fragmentarium, but with DE-Kn2cr11-raytracer. Trying to get to grips with colours and light. 2000 subframes, and with 30% of padding still had to edit the whole image to remove the tile edges :} It's going to be 1-tile renders from now on Code: #info Notice: set Render mode to Continous
#infoTheli-at's Pseudo Kleinian (Scale 1 JuliaBox + Something #include "DE-Kn2cr11.frag" #include "MathUtils.frag" #group PseudoKleinian #define USE_INF_NORM // Made by Knighty, see this thread: // // Maximum iterations uniform int MI; slider[0,5,60] // Bailout //uniform float Bailout; slider[0,20,1000] // Size uniform float Size; slider[0,1,2] // Cubic fold Size uniform vec3 CSize; slider[(0,0,0),(1,1,1),(2,2,2)] // Julia constant uniform vec3 C; slider[(-2,-2,-2),(0,0,0),(2,2,2)] // Thingy thickness uniform float TThickness; slider[0,0.01,2] // Thingy DE Offset uniform float DEoffset; slider[0,0,0.01] // Thingy Translation uniform vec3 Offset; slider[(-1,-1,-1),(0,0,0),(1,1,1)] float RoundBox(vec3 p, vec3 csize, float offset) { vec3 di = abs(p) - csize; float k=max(di.x,max(di.y,di.z)); return abs(k*float(k<0.)+ length(max(di,0.0))-offset); } float Thingy(vec3 p, float e){ p-=Offset; return (abs(length(p.xy)*p.z)-e) / sqrt(dot(p,p)+abs(e)); } float Thing2(vec3 p){ //Just scale=1 Julia box float DEfactor=1.; vec3 ap=p+1.; for(int i=0;i<MI && ap!=p;i++){ ap=p; p=2.*clamp(p, -CSize, CSize)-p; float r2=dot(p,p); orbitTrap = min(orbitTrap, abs(vec4(p,r2))); float k=max(Size/r2,1.); p*=k;DEfactor*=k; p+=C; orbitTrap = min(orbitTrap, abs(vec4(p,dot(p,p)))); } //Call basic shape and scale its DE //return abs(0.5*Thingy(p,TThickness)/DEfactor-DEoffset); //Alternative shape //return abs(0.5*RoundBox(p, vec3(1.,1.,1.), 1.0)/DEfactor-DEoffset); //Just a plane return abs(0.5*abs(p.z-Offset.z)/DEfactor-DEoffset); } float DE(vec3 p){ return Thing2(p);//RoundBox(p, CSize, Offset); } #preset Default FOV = 1.165636 Eye = -0.153698,2.985096,2.326648 Target = 0.6932328,-1.231008,-6.397727 Up = 0.1447118,0.8945708,-0.4182583 Gamma = 0.8462079 ToneMapping = 5 Exposure = 0.9356436 Brightness = 1 Contrast = 1 Saturation = 1 GaussianWeight = 1 AntiAliasScale = 2 Detail = -3.377451 FudgeFactor = 1 Dither = 0.0370629 NormalBackStep = 1 CamLight = 0.3490196,0.3490196,0.3490196,0.0814868 BaseColor = 1,0.9882353,0.9490196 OrbitStrength = 0.9765791 X = 0.7568627,0.9098039,0.9098039,0.6887648 Y = 1,0.9803922,0.8980392,0.6692254 Z = 0.7843137,0,1,0.5973417 R = 1,0.7019608,0,1 BackgroundColor = 0,0.333333,1 GradientBackground = 0.5043541 CycleColors = true Cycles = 17.11808 EnableFloor = false FloorNormal = 0,0,0 FloorHeight = 0 FloorColor = 1,1,1 UpLock = false FocalPlane = 0.3665621 Aperture = 0.0112994 InFocusAWidth = 0.9386724 DofCorrect = true ApertureNbrSides = 7 ApertureRot = 0 ApStarShaped = false Bloom = true BloomIntensity = 0.5778098 BloomPow = 2 BloomTaps = 21 BloomStrong = 3.509691 RefineSteps = 4 MaxRaySteps = 429 MaxDistance = 10 DetailAO = -0.5 coneApertureAO = 0.5 maxIterAO = 20 FudgeAO = 1 AO_ambient = 1.144068 AO_camlight = 1.755477 AO_pointlight = 1.903546 AoCorrect = 1 Specular = 0.4 SpecularExp = 16 AmbiantLight = 1,0.9529412,0.8666667,1.381608 Reflection = 0.9882353,0.01568627,0.01568627 ReflectionsNumber = 1 SpotGlow = true SpotLight = 0.4352941,0.4352941,0.4352941,0.6104651 LightPos = -5.557133,0,0 LightSize = 0.0783345 LightFallOff = 0.0156695 LightGlowRad = 0.2008608 LightGlowExp = 1.09319 HardShadow = 1 ShadowSoft = 0 ShadowBlur = 0.0128297 perf = false SSS = false sss1 = 0.1 sss2 = 0.5 HF_Fallof = 0.1 HF_Const = 0.1064426 HF_Intensity = 0.113942 HF_Dir = 0,0,1 HF_Offset = 2.734982 HF_Color = 0.5411765,0.8470588,0.8745098,0.8899214 HF_Scatter = 0 HF_Anisotropy = 0,0,0 HF_FogIter = 1 HF_CastShadow = false EnCloudsDir = false Clouds_Dir = 0,0,1 CloudScale = 1 CloudFlatness = 0 CloudTops = 1 CloudBase = -1 CloudDensity = 1 CloudRoughness = 1 CloudContrast = 1 CloudColor = 0.65,0.68,0.7 CloudColor2 = 0.07,0.17,0.24 SunLightColor = 0.7,0.5,0.3 Cloudvar1 = 0.99 Cloudvar2 = 1 CloudIter = 5 CloudBgMix = 1 MI = 60 Size = 1.15094 CSize = 0.92436,1.21212,1.0101 C = -0.1530055,-0.057377,-0.03508 TThickness = 0.01 DEoffset = 0 Offset = 0.1638889,0.0416667,-0.3569444 #endpreset Stats: Total Favorities: 0 View Who Favorited Filesize: 3.97MB Height: 1074 Width: 1914 Discussion Topic: View Topic Keywords: Fragmentarium Theli-at progressive dof-tweak Posted by: Sabine September 26, 2016, 11:49:16 PM Rating: by 1 members. Image Linking Codes
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