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Author Topic: How to Start  (Read 6642 times)
Description: I very short indroduction to Gestaltlupe
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Fractal Bachius
Posts: 531

« on: October 05, 2011, 09:59:43 PM »

The software Gestaltlupe is a simple raymarcher with all disadvantages (as long rendering time and a ragged surface) and advantages. So you can use this tool to easily test new formulas. You have to wrote you formula in c# or vb.net code in the corresponding text field, define the boundaries of the displayed 3d area and press computing. Because it is a raymarcher, you don't have to compute the distance estimation. Your formula only has to decide, if a given point (x,y,z) is in the set - or not.

The current release (1.2) is available at GitHub at: http://github.com/trafassel/Gestaltlupe

The corresponding Version 1.2.0, which is documented here, can be found at:http://github.com/trafassel/Gestaltlupe/blob/master/bin/Gestaltlupe_1_2_0.exe  On this page you have to click “raw” to get the binary. But the recommended way to work with Gestaltlupe is to download the full archive file (the big “Download” button at http://github.com/trafassel/Gestaltlupe
 ). The archive contains the binaries and sample projects (at settings/Public) with the corresponding formulas and the documentation.
Forums Newbie
Posts: 4

« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2012, 06:15:18 PM »

Hi Trafassel, I downloaded your program from github and have begun "playing" with it.  I unziped the data files and there are an absolutely huge nubmer of .tomo files to load (wow!)
Do you have any sort of tutorial that explains how to view the internals or walks through an example?  Obviously I love the spirals it can produce.

I understand you have to change the number 51 in the formuala.static.MinCycle but still only get a green colored interior without much detail.  Also I'm at a loss on how to apply the different Composite.render types.   Where is the number of the six different render versions typed.  I have checked in the Renderer area under the Data tab but don't seem to find the right place.

It looks like a great program but I need a little extra boost above and beyond the Documention.
Fractal Bachius
Posts: 531

« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2012, 10:54:23 PM »

Hallo TroyPuzz,

the best way to navigate to the inner part, is to set Formuala.Static.MinCycle and Formuala.Static.Cycles at the same value. With this setting there should be no green cut planes. If this is still the case then you perhaps use an old formula (not from the public folder).

It is possible to walk into an interesting area from the outside and change the angle Transformation.Camera.Angle.Z from 0 to 180 to see the inside. This works, because the rotation center is the center of the examined fractal area.

I added all tomo files, which I found interesting into the git-Repository. Almost all are very old, boring, bad documented and contains some strange parameters, like a rotation at point (0,0,0) . The public scenes (which contains always the used formula in plain text) can be found in the folder public, but there are still to much here and most formulas described in fractalforums.com are missing.

I replaced the six different renderer with just one. So in the current documentation at Gestaltlupe/bin/Gestaltlupe.chm (which is shown if you press documentation in the documentation tab) there is just one renderer explaned. The online documentation is to old, sorry.

To navigate into the scene you can use the forward, backward, left, right ... buttons in the navigation tab or you can zoom by pressing zoom in the view window and select the area with the mouse (one open bug is, that the selection area is not shown while pressing the mouse). Zooming into some of the old files does not work (because of the old rotation settings).

Hope this helps.

The cut planes (for the spirals) and the surface colors are defined in the formula source code.

Cut planes for inside views are little tricky, because you have to distinguish between inside and outside parts in the formula source. This one defines two cut planes (one cut at y=0 and one sea level).

// Definition of the cut plane
double maxb=0.0;
double minb=-0.01;

if(invers) {
if(bj>maxb) return 1;
} else {
if(bj>maxb) return 0;

if(invers) {
if(bj<minb) return 0;
} else {
if(bj<minb) return 1;

The following source use the explained cut.

public override void Init() { base.Init();if(GetString("intern.Formula.TempUpdateVal")!="52aed84e936d95698e8c5a9e9f2a57e5"){
SetParameterBulk(@"<Entry Key='Border.Max.x' Value='0.613390339486106' /><Entry Key='Border.Max.y' Value='0.306387648691587' />
<Entry Key='Border.Max.z' Value='9.79780236146181E-09' /><Entry Key='Border.Max.zz' Value='0' /><Entry Key='Border.Min.x'
Value='0.613390307615348' /><Entry Key='Border.Min.y' Value='0.306387616820829' /><Entry Key='Border.Min.z'
Value='-2.20729556712198E-08' /><Entry Key='Border.Min.zz' Value='0' /><Entry Key='Formula.Mandelbulb.Pow1' Value='' />
<Entry Key='Formula.Static.Cycles' Value='130' /><Entry Key='Formula.Static.Formula' Value='-1' /><Entry Key='Formula.Static.jx'
Value='0' /><Entry Key='Formula.Static.jy' Value='0' /><Entry Key='Formula.Static.jz' Value='0' /><Entry Key='Formula.Static.jzz' Value='0' />
<Entry Key='Formula.Static.MinCycle' Value='130' />
<Entry Key='Transformation.Camera.AngleX' Value='40' /><Entry Key='Transformation.Camera.AngleY' Value='0' />
<Entry Key='Transformation.Camera.AngleZ' Value='0' /><Entry Key='Transformation.Perspective.Cameraposition' Value='1' />
<Entry Key='Transformation.Stereo.Angle' Value='-9' /><Entry Key='Transformation.Stereo.EyeDistance' Value='0.5' />
<Entry Key='View.Height' Value='1200' /><Entry Key='View.Perspective' Value='0' /><Entry Key='View.Width' Value='1200' />
<Entry Key='intern.Formula.TempUpdateVal' Value='52aed84e936d95698e8c5a9e9f2a57e5' />");}
additionalPointInfo=new AdditionalPointInfo(); gr1=GetDouble("Formula.Static.Cycles");int tempGr=(int)gr1;
gr1=gr1- tempGr;gr1=1-gr1;gr1*=2.4; } double gr1=0; public override long InSet(double ar, double ai, double aj, double br, double bi,
double bj, double bk, long zkl, bool invers) { double aar, aai, aaj; long tw; int n; int pow = 8; double gr =Math.Pow(10,gr1)+1.0;
double theta, phi; double r_n = 0; aar = ar * ar; aai = ai * ai; aaj = aj * aj; tw = 0L; double r = Math.Sqrt(aar + aai + aaj);
double phi_pow; double theta_pow; double sin_theta_pow; double rn_sin_theta_pow;double maxb=0.0;double minb=-0.01;if(invers) {
if(bj>maxb) return 1;} else {if(bj>maxb) return 0;}if(invers) {if(bj<minb) return 0;} else {if(bj<minb) return 1;}additionalPointInfo.red=0;
additionalPointInfo.green=0;additionalPointInfo.blue=0;double red=0; double green=0; double blue=0;double piAdd=Math.PI/2.0;
for (n = 1; n < zkl; n++) { theta = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(aar + aai), aj); phi = Math.Atan2(ai, ar); r_n = Math.Pow(r, pow); phi_pow=phi*pow;
theta_pow=theta*pow; sin_theta_pow=Math.Sin(theta_pow+piAdd); rn_sin_theta_pow=r_n* sin_theta_pow;
ar = rn_sin_theta_pow * Math.Cos(phi_pow+Math.PI)+br; ai = rn_sin_theta_pow * Math.Sin(phi_pow+Math.PI)+bi; aj = r_n * Math.Cos(theta_pow+piAdd)+bj;
aar = ar * ar; aai = ai * ai; aaj = aj * aj; r = Math.Sqrt(aar + aai + aaj);red=aar;green=aai;blue=aaj; if (r > gr) { tw = n; break; } }
additionalPointInfo.red=red;additionalPointInfo.green=green;additionalPointInfo.blue=blue; if (invers) { if (tw == 0) tw = 1; else tw = 0; }
return (tw);}


* Data804pic10001a.jpg (255.2 KB, 1200x1200 - viewed 829 times.)
Posts: 41

« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 01:22:35 AM »

I have downloaded your software

and also installed mono-complete in a linux kde OS ().

When I run Gestaltlupe_1_2_0.exe I get two windows. I load an example file but when I request preview (or create poster) the second window bar works steadily and 4 cpu's work a lot but finally no image is produced.

If I go to TomoTrace directory I have files named like Data3pic10003.jpg but they are 1k size and only have a transparent channel.

I wonder what is going astray?


Fractal Bachius
Posts: 531

« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2012, 10:27:29 PM »

My last test in linux give similar results. Looks like a problem with the update of the image in the picture window in windows forms. If you resize the window (after computation is ready), you can see the picture.

The produced images Data3pic10003.jpg ... should be ok. Please start Gestaltlupe without loading a scene and press preview. The produced picture (i.e. Data5pic10001.jpg) should be ok.

Hope this helps,

Posts: 41

« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2012, 04:19:25 AM »

Thank you for your suggestions. I will try them soon.
In the meanwhile I have produced images in Windows OS successfully.
Congrats. for this nice and much needed 3D software!
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