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Author Topic: New fractal.. needs a name  (Read 4488 times)
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Fractal Molossus
Posts: 703

« on: November 16, 2012, 07:00:23 AM »

I made this new fractal http://glsl.heroku.com/e#4851.17
It is similar to this Koch surface:

but you can pick how much it bends, as you can with a 2d Koch curve:

I need to optimise the code (any tips?) and fix a few pixel glitches. You'll need webGL on your browser to view it.
Thanks Syntopia for the Mandelbulb example for guidance.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 07:03:44 AM by Tglad » Logged
Fractal Senior
Posts: 1863

« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 08:58:33 AM »

Maybe you can extend it further to be able to do a bit more:
Fractal Supremo
Posts: 1138

« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2012, 09:25:25 AM »

I get "maximum temp register index exceeded" errors. I have a Radeon 6870, tried with Firefox and Chrome.

Global Moderator
Fractal Senior
Posts: 1439

Virtual Surreality

« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2012, 10:58:44 AM »


Fractal Fertilizer
Posts: 355

« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2012, 02:00:42 PM »

@Kali: maybe it's an ANGLE problem; see http://blog.hvidtfeldts.net/index.php/2012/06/webgl-for-shader-graphics/ or http://www.fractalforums.com/fractal-programs/new-webgl-application-to-explore-3d-fractals/
Firefox and Chrome use ANGLE by default.
In Firefox use the about:config URL, .. set webgl.prefer-native-gl=true to disable ANGLE.
For the other browser, just make a shortcut to Chrome with the --use-gl=desktop key.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 02:02:41 PM by visual.bermarte » Logged
Global Moderator
Fractal Senior
Posts: 2512

Fragments of the fractal -like the tip of it

« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2012, 05:53:23 PM »

It says compiled with errors. And nothing is displayed, here fiery


This is the script for those who are interested

#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;

// Fractal surface - by Thomas Lowe
// Some code based on Mandelbulb example by Syntopia
const int maxIterations = 6;
const float shadowStrength = 0.8;

#define REVERSE_TRI0 0
#define REVERSE_TRI1 0
#define REVERSE_TRI2 0
#define REVERSE_TRI3 0
#define REVERSE_TRI4 0
#define REVERSE_TRI5 0

uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 mouse;
uniform sampler2D backbuffer;

float PI=3.14159265;
float angle = 0.0;
float height = 0.0;

const int numSegments = 6;
vec3 centres[numSegments];
vec3 segmentOffsets[numSegments];
float segmentScales[numSegments];
mat3 rotations[numSegments];
vec3 corners[3];

// Compute the distance from `pos` to the surface
float DE(vec3 pos) {
vec3 middle = vec3(segmentOffsets[0][0], 0, segmentOffsets[0][2]);
pos += middle;
float totalScale = 1.0;
for (int it = 0; it<maxIterations; it++)
// find closest
mat3 rotation = rotations[0];
vec3 offset = segmentOffsets[0];
float scale = segmentScales[0];
vec3 toPos = pos - centres[0];
float closest = dot(toPos, toPos);
for (int i = 1; i<numSegments; i++)
vec3 to = pos - centres[i];
float dt = dot(to, to);
if (dt < closest)
if (dt < closest && (it>0 || i<4))
closest = dt;
rotation = rotations[i];
offset = segmentOffsets[i];
scale = segmentScales[i];
pos -= offset;
pos = pos * rotation;
totalScale *= scale;
/* vec3 dif = pos - middle;
float blah = dot(dif, dif);
if (blah > 3.0)

vec3 normal = normalize(cross(corners[2]-corners[0], corners[1] - corners[0]));
float h = dot(pos - corners[0], normal);
vec3 onPlane = pos - normal * h;
vec3 lines[3];
lines[0] = corners[1] - corners[0]; lines[1] = corners[2] - corners[1]; lines[2] = corners[0] - corners[2];
for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
vec3 dif = onPlane - corners[i];
vec3 norm = cross(normal, lines[i]);
float dist = dot(dif, norm) / dot(norm, norm);
if (dist > 0.0)
onPlane -= norm * dist;
float along = dot(dif, lines[i]) / dot(lines[i], lines[i]);
if (along < 0.0)
onPlane -= lines[i] * along;
else if (along > 1.0)
onPlane -= lines[i] * (along - 1.0);
return length(onPlane - pos) / totalScale;
// Uses the soft-shadow approach by Quilez:
// http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/rmshadows/rmshadows.htm
float shadow(vec3 pos, vec3 sdir, float eps) {
float totalDist =2.0*eps;
float s = 1.0; // where 1.0 means no shadow!
for (int steps=0; steps<30; steps++) {
vec3 p = pos + totalDist * sdir;
float dist = DE(p);
if (dist < eps)  return 1.0;
s = min(s, 4.0*(dist/totalDist));
totalDist += dist;
return 1.0-s;

void calculateSegments()
  height = 2.3*(mouse.y - 0.5); // -1 to 1 about
float limit = 0.6;
if (height > limit)
height = limit;
else if (height < -limit)
height = -limit;
        angle = PI/2.0;
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++)
float cosa = cos(angle);
float sina = sin(angle);
float denom = 1.0/(4.0*height*height + sina*sina);
angle = atan(sqrt((1.0 + 2.0*cosa + cosa*cosa) * denom)) + atan(sqrt((1.0 - 2.0*cosa + cosa*cosa)*denom));
// we assume corner0 is 0,0 corner1 is 1,0, corner2 is sin(bendAngle),cos(bendAngle)
// these are corners of the parallelegram, so corner3 is corner1+corner2
float cosa = cos(angle);
float sina = sin(angle);
vec3 x = vec3(1,0,0);
vec3 z = vec3(cosa, 0, sina);
vec3 end = x + z;
vec3 top = end*0.5 + vec3(0, height, 0);
segmentOffsets[0] = segmentOffsets[1] = segmentOffsets[2] = segmentOffsets[3] = top;
segmentOffsets[4] = z;
segmentOffsets[5] = x;
centres[0] = (x + top)/3.0;
centres[1] = (z + top)/3.0;
centres[2] = (x + top + end)/3.0;
centres[3] = (z + top + end)/3.0;
float sideLengthC = length(top);
float sideLengthB = length(vec3(1,0,0) - top);
float scale = 1.0/sideLengthC + 1.0/sideLengthB;
segmentScales[0] = segmentScales[1] = segmentScales[2] = segmentScales[3] = scale;
segmentScales[4] = sideLengthB*scale;
segmentScales[5] = sideLengthC*scale;
corners[0] = vec3(0,0,0);
corners[1] = x * (1.0 + sideLengthB / sideLengthC);
corners[2] = z * (1.0 + sideLengthC / sideLengthB);

// now I need to work out the rotation matrices for each segment
rotations[0][0] = normalize(x - top);
rotations[0][1] = -normalize(cross(rotations[0][0], top));
rotations[0][2] = -cross(rotations[0][0], rotations[0][1]);
rotations[1][0] = normalize(z - top);
rotations[1][1] = normalize(cross(rotations[1][0], top));
rotations[1][2] = cross(rotations[1][0], rotations[1][1]);

rotations[2][0] = rotations[0][0];
rotations[2][1] = normalize(cross(rotations[2][0], top-end));
rotations[2][2] = cross(rotations[2][0], rotations[2][1]);
rotations[3][0] = rotations[1][0];
rotations[3][1] = -normalize(cross(rotations[3][0], top-end));
rotations[3][2] = -cross(rotations[3][0], rotations[3][1]);
rotations[0] *= segmentScales[0];
rotations[1] *= segmentScales[1];
rotations[2] *= segmentScales[2];
rotations[3] *= segmentScales[3];

rotations[4] = mat3(segmentScales[4]);
rotations[5] = mat3(segmentScales[5]);
rotations[0][1] *= -1.0;
rotations[1][1] *= -1.0;
rotations[2][1] *= -1.0;
rotations[3][1] *= -1.0;
rotations[4][1] *= -1.0;
rotations[5][1] *= -1.0;

// lastly, work out the centres for 4 and 5, this should be optimised for biggest range of height
vec3 norm = cross(end-x, vec3(0,1,0)); // modify this up vector for variation
centres[5] = centres[2] + 2.0 * norm * dot(norm, x - centres[2])/dot(norm, norm);
norm = cross(end-z, vec3(0,1,0));
centres[4] = centres[3] + 2.0 * norm * dot(norm, z - centres[3])/dot(norm, norm);    

void main(void){
vec2 vPos=0.5*(-1.0+2.0*gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution.xy);

float t = 0.2*time;
if (height < 0.0)
t += PI/2.0;
float sinA = sin(t);
float cosA = cos(t);
mat3 bearing = mat3(vec3(cosA, 0, sinA), vec3(0,1,0), vec3(-sinA, 0, cosA));

//Camera animation
vec3 vuv=vec3(0,1,0);//Change camere up vector here
vec3 vrp=vec3(0,0,0); //Change camere view here
float mx=0.0;
float my=0.5*PI/2.01;
vec3 prp=bearing * vec3(cos(my),sin(my),0.0)*2.0; //Trackball style camera pos

//Camera setup
vec3 vpn=normalize(vrp-prp);
vec3 u=normalize(cross(vuv,vpn));
vec3 v=cross(vpn,u);
vec3 vcv=(prp+vpn);
vec3 scrCoord=vcv+vPos.x*u*resolution.x/resolution.y+vPos.y*v;
vec3 scp=normalize(scrCoord-prp);

const vec3 e=vec3(0.000001,0,0);
const float maxd=3.0; //Max depth
float s=0.0;
vec3 c,p,n;

float f=0.80;

for(int i=0;i<46;i++){
if (s<.00065||f>maxd)

if (f<maxd){

//c.yz = mix(c.yz, n.yz, 0.3);
vec3 dir = normalize(prp-p);
vec3 spotDir = bearing * normalize(vec3(-1.0,-2.0,1.5));
// Calculate perfectly reflected light
vec3 r = spotDir - 2.0 * dot(n, spotDir) * n;
float s = max(0.0,dot(dir,-r));
float diffuse = max(0.0,dot(-n,spotDir))*0.60;
float ambient =1.0;
float specular = 0.0;//clamp(pow(s,50.0)*1.1,0.0,0.5);
float eps = 0.001;
if (shadowStrength>0.0) {
// check path from pos to spotDir
float strength = shadow(p+n*eps, -spotDir, eps);
ambient = mix(ambient,0.0,shadowStrength*strength);
diffuse = mix(diffuse,0.0,shadowStrength*strength);
if (strength>0.0)
specular = 0.0; // always turn off specular, if blocked
gl_FragColor=vec4((vec3(1.0)*diffuse+vec3(1.0)*ambient+ specular*vec3(1.0))*vec3(0.5),1.0);
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 12:29:08 PM by DarkBeam » Logged

No sweat, guardian of wisdom!
Fractal Molossus
Posts: 703

« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2012, 12:16:52 AM »

I guess webGL isn't so portable after all  undecided
To see how the fractal is built you can set SHOW_FULL_TRIANGLE to 1 in the code, and set the maxIterations to 0, then 1, then 2 etc. Basically each triangle becomes six identical but smaller triangles including 4 in a squashed pyramid shape. For a pyramid base edge length of 1, you define the shape based on the pyramid height:
<0 shell shape
=0 flat plane
>0 tree shape
0.55 (roughly) max height without self penetration. i.e. tree-sponge (see https://sites.google.com/site/simplextable/what-is-the-simplex-table)
1.75 (roughly) singular point where children are same size as parent triangle so shape is infinite in size and probably fully covers the space.

(In the example the height only goes from -0.7 to 0.7 as you move the mouse up and down).
Fractal Molossus
Posts: 681

« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2012, 09:22:42 AM »

I tried the fractal, and it is yet another ANGLE issue. It works fine under Chrome and Firefox with ANGLE disabled. With ANGLE disabled I get the same error as Kali. Opera fails for other reasons.

WebGL is a great technology, but as of now it is so broken. Apple refuse to officially support it on their iOS devices (even though they use it in their iAds), Microsoft refuse to use it in IE for security reasons, and Chrome and Firefox's reliance on ANGLE means the nearly all complex shaders fail.
Fractal Senior
Posts: 2592

« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2012, 12:36:34 AM »

Microsoft refuse to use it in IE for security reasons

Is that a joke, or a sign of the impending Apocalypse?

Posts: 49

« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2012, 04:36:22 AM »

Is that a joke, or a sign of the impending Apocalypse?

Actually a sign of the impending Windows 8, but that's basically the same as the apocalypse.

Yeah, getting "Compiled with errors" on all browsers.  undecided
Fractal Senior
Posts: 1863

« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2012, 11:35:58 AM »

oh wow, I only now saw the link to the website and see what you're talking about.
Yeah, "compiled with errors" on Firefox.
Makes me wonder, how did you even make it work for yourself? What browser are you using?
Fractal Molossus
Posts: 703

« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2012, 06:29:18 PM »

I'm on a macbook, it works fine in Chrome and Firefox.
I'll try converting it to Fragmentarium at some point... or if anyone is game you can hover over the 'compiled with errors' text and it will tell you the error... maybe it is just a small syntax thing.
Fractal Senior
Posts: 1863

« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2012, 06:45:16 PM »

Win7 Firefox 16.0.2
Fractal Molossus
Posts: 703

« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2012, 07:39:30 PM »

Same as Kali, looks like your graphics cards don't have enough temporary registers in them to perform the code.
Not simple to fix, just too many variables for your card.
Fractal Molossus
Posts: 681

« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2012, 08:56:46 PM »

Same as Kali, looks like your graphics cards don't have enough temporary registers in them to perform the code.
Not simple to fix, just too many variables for your card.

No, this is an ANGLE problem. I get the same error - but if I disable ANGLE it works - both in Firefox and Chrome. This is Windows issue only, since there is no GLSL->HSLSL conversion on Mac.

For unknown reasons ANGLE imposes shader model 3 constraints, which has only 32 temporary registers.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 08:59:21 PM by Syntopia » Logged
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