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The beautiful world of fractal flamesEiffel Towers Condominium Tourusing all the crayons
Eiffel Towers Condominium Tour
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Description: WARNING: flashing lights ahead
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/9c-YjZnOOhU&rel=1&fs=1&hd=1" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/v/9c-YjZnOOhU&rel=1&fs=1&hd=1</a>

Took up the challenge of telling a story in fractals - possibly failed smiley

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Keywords: AnimandelPro 
Posted by: Guest May 15, 2012, 08:17:04 PM

Rating: **** by 13 members.

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Fractal Senior
Posts: 2592

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June 08, 2012, 09:55:10 AM
Extra point for fractally having the movie contain a screen displaying itself.
John Smith
Posts: 160

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June 06, 2012, 03:03:13 PM
That's dedication for you.  Kept filming despite the nasty weather. wink
Posts: 88

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May 16, 2012, 04:40:21 PM
Very entertaining.  Loved the fractal lightning!
Fractal Supremo
Posts: 1175

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May 16, 2012, 12:15:30 PM
technically even more advanced than "crayons", but a bit too much of half-way modelling for my taste.
anyhow, i guess your submissions will end up at least in the top five... maybe i'll concentrate on stills from now on  sad
Fractal Phenom
Posts: 434

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May 16, 2012, 01:50:59 AM
Greetings and Salutations to you ytalinflusa aka ; eiffie

intro :

There once was a man named happy!
Happy was a dish washer who was sad, very sad dish washer, who worked for a man named Sappy, and when happy's work was done, he would really be happy!

And after a hard days work he'd go home to his momma, and she would say, son wash my  dishes in the kitchen, jerk! But, momma, said the man complaining sadly, I have been washing dishes, all day long, you can't expect me to wash dishes when I GET HOME TOO!
I can't do it here too!  I ain't gone wash dishes when I come home too!
So, the momma took out a large,Tec-9 and shot her son in the head, dead, cause he was a dis obedient boy, and his soul left his body., It left the earth and went into another dimension, where he dreamed he was rich, and had money to buy a condominium, and every thing looked good, till he got onto the  floating Sea Bus, at night, thats, when things began to go down hill fast!

[ Seconds in to scene at 0:02 ] First this is what we hear : Ding dada ding a ding. First introduction, digitalized musicality is heard, which sets the thematic over tone, so as to facilitate  orchestrational  arrangements and control the elements to achieve a desired overall effect of musicality alinements of psychology of the totality of the piece, and it's disconcerting manifestations subliminally to the passive viewer.
[ seconds in to scene at 0:06 ] Shot opens from a presumed 90º degree perpendicular angle stance, starting off rolling past a 78º degree visuality , observers witness their location from the clouds looking down skimming geometrousity  antenna manifestation resembling the  replica of the Eiffel Tower manifested in 3D fractal life and atmosphere chosen, midnight with semi fog conditions with vector inputs of filters of bloom high lights the white, affectations in its visuality to viewer, viewer sits dum founded and passive,
[ Seconds in to scene at 0:08 ] Antenna rolls off to the bottom left and out exiting the screen, on the left side setting up a deep zoom manifestation to be initiated, which we appear to witness in the split seconds of the on coming seconds of movement.
[ Seconds in to scene at 0:12 ] As we see the trajectory of the camera forming a curve line bending the eye to the objects location trajectory, while off to our upper right a stratified geometrosity is seen reflecting in  spatially confabricated water modulations stimulations, quivering trying to stimulate water rhythm's.
[ Seconds in to scene at 0:14 ] We drop almost instantly atitudinally about a mile down, reaching the  target. A group of parked white colored, super buoyancy public Sea Buses, next to a docking station on the edge of the geometrosity, amongst the thousands of tourist people, waiting and lining the dock there are, The Vetihopvas.  A strange powerful race of invisible tribes, lurking in the fourth dimension, who wish to take the sea-bus to travel to The Fractal Forums, to meet some of the Master Mathematicians and special 3D Master Artists and Master programmers of the mediums, they board the floating Sea Bus vehicles, and are confronted with the security  systems [ AI ] voice activated Identification systems, which fail to scan their presence, and it thinks the buses are empty. When in fact it is full of Vetihopvasians, we see plenty of invisible men and women, with their children, laughing and holding colorful balloons!
Anyway, the artist proceeds with the trajectory of the camera, as it is swinging perfectly bending the flow in the lines of the cameras trajectory,

[ Seconds in to scene at 0:19 ] The trajectory culminates with soft accommodating landing at the dock area, where we see just off to the left perhaps three hundreds feet away the Sea Buses, floating in the black waters, the white round hotdog shape of the bus is reflected in the gentle waves of the sea, while in back of it and to the right we see parts of the geometrosity city conglomerations.
[ Seconds in to scene at 0:23 ] On our left, we whiz by the Sea Bus, and get a chance to notice how beautiful it looks with its sides reflecting in the water stimulations.
[ Seconds in to scene at 0:26 ] We molecularly discombobulate and are enabled to transverse and pass through  the sides of the structural components of the infrastructure of the Sea Bus, and now we find ourselves inside, trying to look for a seat, finding none because of all of invisible people, we decide to stay standing, and hold on to a pole to keep our balance.
An [ AI ] tourist translator system assigned to help visitors rambles off instructions in multiple languages welcoming them to the Eiffel tower condominium, but it fails, not only to welcome the Vetihopvas invisible race, but refuses  to talk in their language too!.  
This insulting disrepectful act, leaves the Vetihopvas invisible people, with no other choice, but to confront this blatant racism, so with angry hunger for revenge in their hearts, they promise to  burn the condominium down, and, now the irate dis gruntled people, who, came here at first as peacefully loving happy tourist want to start war, and  decide to burn the whole fractal city down and destroy the populations forever!
You can see them plainly marching and yelling," we want war, we want war!"

[ Seconds in to scene at 0:56 ]  They immediately look out on the right side of the buses, and watch the city and try to determine how and what locations,are best suited when they will mount their offensive.
[ Seconds in to scene at 0:58 ] They pass some wooden trees, and it dawns on them, these trees they will use! They'll come back, chop it down and use it long branches as fire torches to light the city afire destroying it and its inhabitants once and for all!
[ Seconds in to scene at 0:59 ]  The angry crowds can't stand it any more, and jump out the right side of the windows of the bus, and run up onto the fancy pavement of the condominium walkways, hunting for anything alive but it appears it is deserted.
[ Seconds in to scene at 1:05 ] They run down an interior corridor which leads to the elevator bank, and enter! Its grey colored walls, are curved and highly reflective. They take the  elevator straight on up to the roof, and on their right, they see a police helicopter. They run for it and start shooting at it, with their submachine guns. We hear the shots pow, pow, pow as it tries to flee, they shine a beam of light on it trying to blind the pilot, but when they reach it, to their surprise, there is no one in it! No one piloting the thing!
It turns out to be one of those," SDI," helicopter units! As you remember from your old Tech, history books on the old net, "SDI," stands for the app introduced by google corporatocracy, way back in the early part of the twenty first century, it stands for," SELF DRIVING INTELLIGENCE" helicopter! We hop in, and sit back and try to look out the windows, and in front of us we see far away in the distance a geometrousity, we hear the [ AI ] systems voice, indicating we are in for lots of firer works, We are not worried though, we are prepared for anything!

[ Seconds in to scene at 1:42 ] from the left, flies out from under us, a bat like manifestation, flying in front of us we prepare to shoot it down, but it flies away quickly escaping our bullets.
[ Seconds in to scene at 1:50 ]  We are in the ship and the artist has excellent control of the camera and the chopper simulations, as we hit cruising speeds and as we zoom through the next couple of scenes, we cruise around, enjoying the views of the big city, but, then ?
[ Seconds in to scene at 3:00 ] We hear the sky begin to rumble, as we look out over the city rotating left around and around.
[ Seconds in to scene at 3:21 ] The lady [ Artificial intelligence ] voices says welcome to Eiffel towers condominium, but forgets again to say Welcome to the Vetihopvas invisible people, who, now are really getting pist off, more mad than before! They are so pissed off, they shoot out a couple of lazier beams and start blowing up the joint!
[ Seconds in to scene at 3:31 ] BOOM, Bam they knock out a big out door TV screen which tumbles off its structure falling down to the left, as it falls it acts as a catalyst and all the powers of The Vetihopvas,  invisible peoples let loose with thunder bolts firering right and left, one buildings antenna shoots out a thunder bolt from its top signaling the end of the world is at hand! The invisible people applaud and are happy as the city de-constructs and the atom structures go Boom and tiny atoms are exploding all over the place as lightening flashes in the heaven and millions of discourteous people  die. Poor happy looks on sad, wishing he was back washing his mommas dishes!
The  Vetihopvas  invisible peoples, laugh and enjoy their revenge!

The artist puts on cool funeral music as the cemetery will be busy to night!

                                                 THE END

Go with ye with insight, we appreciate this delight do more we love fright

 Go with the force!

Fractal Senior
Posts: 7044

formerly known as 'Trifox'

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May 16, 2012, 01:35:57 AM
oh yeah, thank you for the trip,
the speech auto-translate is fantastic
music dramatic
ending: EPIC!
...yeah man!
 afro afro afro

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