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Description: I'm hoping that more Mandelbulber images will be posted at this forum.
Its the other great 3d fractal bulb program. Unfortunately its not so easy to share the code at this forum with other users as, it is attaching the .m3p code for the MandelBulb3D program.

I was going to take  Buddhi's advice and post an attached .txt file. but its not possible to attach both a picture and a .txt file, at the same time.

So I'm sharing the code, by encapsulating it with the "#" icon within the text description.

locale_test 0.5;
image_width 1200;
image_height 1200;
x_min -10;
x_max 10;
y_min -10;
y_max 10;
z_min -10;
z_max 10;
view_point_x 4.690049220167089;
view_point_y -4.690049220167089;
view_point_z 0.08866243940891889;
angle_alfa 45;
angle_beta 38;
angle_gamma 0;
zoom 2e-008;
perspective 1.2;
formula 8;
power 2;
N 11;
minN 1;
fractal_constant_factor 0.7;
quality 2;
julia_mode 0;
julia_a 0;
julia_b 0;
julia_c 0;
tglad_folding_mode 1;
folding_limit 2;
folding_value 3;
spherical_folding_mode 0;
spherical_folding_fixed 1;
spherical_folding_min 0.5;
IFS_folding_mode 0;
iteration_threshold_mode 0;
analityc_DE_mode 1;
DE_factor 4;
brightness 0.9;
gamma 1;
ambient 0;
reflect 0;
shadows_intensity 0.9;
ambient_occlusion 2.3;
ambient_occlusion_quality 4;
shading 1.3;
specular 0.4;
glow_intensity 0.1;
glow_color_1_R 0;
glow_color_1_G 8506;
glow_color_1_B 26410;
glow_color_2_R 64715;
glow_color_2_G 65535;
glow_color_2_B 0;
background_color_1_R 7053;
background_color_1_G 8639;
background_color_1_B 18608;
background_color_2_R 8510;
background_color_2_G 11371;
background_color_2_B 16108;
textured_background 0;
shadows_enabled 1;
ambient_occlusion_enabled 0;
fast_ambient_occlusion_mode 0;
fractal_color 1;
coloring_random_seed 745545;
coloring_speed 6;
coloring_palette_offset 122.5;
slow_shading 0;
limits_enabled 0;
post_fog_enabled 0;
post_fog_visibility 5;
post_fog_visibility_front 20;
post_fog_color_R 65535;
post_fog_color_G 65535;
post_fog_color_B 65535;
post_SSAO_enabled 1;
post_SSAO_quality 20;
post_DOF_enabled 0;
post_DOF_focus 22;
post_DOF_radius 10;
main_light_intensity 2;
main_light_alfa -0.7853981633974483;
main_light_beta 0.7853981633974483;
main_light_colour_R 61162;
main_light_colour_G 56998;
main_light_colour_B 37402;
aux_light_intensity 0.2;
aux_light_random_seed 1234;
aux_light_number 0;
aux_light_max_dist 0.1;
aux_light_distribution_radius 4;
aux_light_predefined_1_x 3;
aux_light_predefined_1_y -3;
aux_light_predefined_1_z -3;
aux_light_predefined_1_intensity 1.3;
aux_light_predefined_2_x -3;
aux_light_predefined_2_y -3;
aux_light_predefined_2_z 0;
aux_light_predefined_2_intensity 1;
aux_light_predefined_3_x -3;
aux_light_predefined_3_y 3;
aux_light_predefined_3_z -1;
aux_light_predefined_3_intensity 3;
aux_light_predefined_4_x 0;
aux_light_predefined_4_y -1;
aux_light_predefined_4_z 3;
aux_light_predefined_4_intensity 2;
aux_light_predefined_1_enabled 0;
aux_light_predefined_2_enabled 0;
aux_light_predefined_3_enabled 0;
aux_light_predefined_4_enabled 0;
aux_light_predefined_1_colour_R 45761;
aux_light_predefined_1_colour_G 53633;
aux_light_predefined_1_colour_B 59498;
aux_light_predefined_2_colour_R 62875;
aux_light_predefined_2_colour_G 55818;
aux_light_predefined_2_colour_B 50083;
aux_light_predefined_3_colour_R 64884;
aux_light_predefined_3_colour_G 64928;
aux_light_predefined_3_colour_B 48848;
aux_light_predefined_4_colour_R 52704;
aux_light_predefined_4_colour_G 62492;
aux_light_predefined_4_colour_B 45654;
aux_light_visibility 1;
aux_light_random_center_X 0;
aux_light_random_center_Y 0;
aux_light_random_center_Z 0;
IFS_scale 2;
IFS_rot_alfa 0;
IFS_rot_beta 0;
IFS_rot_gamma 0;
IFS_offsetX 1;
IFS_offsetY 0;
IFS_offsetZ 0;
IFS_absX 0;
IFS_absY 0;
IFS_absZ 0;
IFS_0_x 1;
IFS_0_y 0;
IFS_0_z 0;
IFS_0_alfa 0;
IFS_0_beta 0;
IFS_0_gamma 0;
IFS_0_distance 0;
IFS_0_intensity 1;
IFS_0_enabled 0;
IFS_1_x 1;
IFS_1_y 0;
IFS_1_z 0;
IFS_1_alfa 0;
IFS_1_beta 0;
IFS_1_gamma 0;
IFS_1_distance 0;
IFS_1_intensity 1;
IFS_1_enabled 0;
IFS_2_x 1;
IFS_2_y 0;
IFS_2_z 0;
IFS_2_alfa 0;
IFS_2_beta 0;
IFS_2_gamma 0;
IFS_2_distance 0;
IFS_2_intensity 1;
IFS_2_enabled 0;
IFS_3_x 1;
IFS_3_y 0;
IFS_3_z 0;
IFS_3_alfa 0;
IFS_3_beta 0;
IFS_3_gamma 0;
IFS_3_distance 0;
IFS_3_intensity 1;
IFS_3_enabled 0;
IFS_4_x 1;
IFS_4_y 0;
IFS_4_z 0;
IFS_4_alfa 0;
IFS_4_beta 0;
IFS_4_gamma 0;
IFS_4_distance 0;
IFS_4_intensity 1;
IFS_4_enabled 0;
IFS_5_x 1;
IFS_5_y 0;
IFS_5_z 0;
IFS_5_alfa 0;
IFS_5_beta 0;
IFS_5_gamma 0;
IFS_5_distance 0;
IFS_5_intensity 1;
IFS_5_enabled 0;
IFS_6_x 1;
IFS_6_y 0;
IFS_6_z 0;
IFS_6_alfa 0;
IFS_6_beta 0;
IFS_6_gamma 0;
IFS_6_distance 0;
IFS_6_intensity 1;
IFS_6_enabled 0;
IFS_7_x 1;
IFS_7_y 0;
IFS_7_z 0;
IFS_7_alfa 0;
IFS_7_beta 0;
IFS_7_gamma 0;
IFS_7_distance 0;
IFS_7_intensity 1;
IFS_7_enabled 0;
IFS_8_x 1;
IFS_8_y 0;
IFS_8_z 0;
IFS_8_alfa 0;
IFS_8_beta 0;
IFS_8_gamma 0;
IFS_8_distance 0;
IFS_8_intensity 1;
IFS_8_enabled 0;
start_frame 0;
end_frame 1000;
frames_per_keyframe 100;
sound_animation_enabled 0;
sound_animation_FPS 25;
sound_animation_band1_min 5;
sound_animation_band1_max 50;
sound_animation_band2_min 100;
sound_animation_band2_max 300;
sound_animation_band3_min 1000;
sound_animation_band3_max 3000;
sound_animation_band4_min 8000;
sound_animation_band4_max 10000;
hybrid_formula_1 0;
hybrid_formula_2 0;
hybrid_formula_3 0;
hybrid_formula_4 0;
hybrid_formula_5 2;
hybrid_iterations_1 1;
hybrid_iterations_2 1;
hybrid_iterations_3 1;
hybrid_iterations_4 1;
hybrid_iterations_5 1;
hybrid_power_1 2;
hybrid_power_2 2;
hybrid_power_3 2;
hybrid_power_4 2;
hybrid_power_5 2;
hybrid_cyclic 0;
fish_eye 0;
stereo_eye_distance 0.1;
stereo_enabled 0;
mandelbox_scale -3.6;
mandelbox_folding_limit 2;
mandelbox_folding_value 2;
mandelbox_folding_min_radius 1;
mandelbox_folding_fixed_radius 2;
mandelbox_rotation_main_alfa 0;
mandelbox_rotation_main_beta 0;
mandelbox_rotation_main_gamma 0;
mandelbox_rotation_X1_alfa 0;
mandelbox_rotation_X1_beta 0;
mandelbox_rotation_X1_gamma 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Y1_alfa 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Y1_beta 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Y1_gamma 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Z1_alfa 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Z1_beta 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Z1_gamma 0;
mandelbox_rotation_X2_alfa 0;
mandelbox_rotation_X2_beta 0;
mandelbox_rotation_X2_gamma 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Y2_alfa 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Y2_beta 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Y2_gamma 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Z2_alfa 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Z2_beta 0;
mandelbox_rotation_Z2_gamma 0;
mandelbox_color_R 0;
mandelbox_color_X 0.03;
mandelbox_color_Y 0.05;
mandelbox_color_Z 0.07000000000000001;
mandelbox_color_Sp1 0.5;
mandelbox_color_Sp2 0.2;
mandelbox_rotation_enabled 0;
view_distance_max 50;
view_distance_min 1e-015;
interior_mode 0;
FoldingIntPow_folding_factor 2;
FoldingIntPow_z_factor 5;
dynamic_DE_correction 0;
linear_DE_mode 0;
file_destination images/image;
file_background textures/background.jpg;
file_envmap textures/envmap.jpg;
file_lightmap textures/lightmap.jpg;
file_animation_path paths/path.txt;
file_keyframes keyframes/keyframe;
file_sound sounds/sound.wav;
palette 508882 b84f43 40cc30 c4c140 cd4355 5370ff 7a3740 d594c4 a7d226 1ec72e 971c15 5d033f e97f80 25a159 2246b9 be a29900 7349ff 28ffb8 fde549 5a0083 15ffd5 36ffff 2ef2f2 a03e44 99b4c0 d75d00 6cbc1 623e 89057 969458 8fbd43 82a100 6de926 81ffc1 1304 3647ff d90fbc a215c0 689910 27a1ff d3c921 fff6e5 4e9bf2 63005c 6a66e3 bb00b9 986738 a0ac ffb2ff 490049 cfc600 635d00 1bf830 3fa8a0 80861c bf7ddf 4d85d2 a7664c 3773d3 96cd59 cca580 8e79d7 d89d f198f9 222248 2fcf e6ffff 2a4b 35 8951ff f73a98 505b 876952 b6ae33 3dd0e2 990036 2d4a2c 1110b7 c61070 ffff66 dbba50 a6c255 1dc34d 282e78 1f85c9 84ff9d 4e3704 9d1a78 10022 b44d18 e537a2 eb9572 8e57e8 43bd54 edffb3 9e6c72 a7 beff5c 740dc4 c2eaff 5fa66c af6c3b 500e0 e3dc34 39a8c1 22c47f 2ca612 ff8d8e cdb3 2581b2 f457e7 ccc9ff 8d6000 4370e1 6b5f00 ac5e00 9f2e1e 85c18 1b872b 39160f 318330 809200 919ab0 ffbc89 4fa98e b75ecf 5a678a a9fe9 500c5 b9ff66 813942 e5893a df1ee2 910035 91d900 1e468a 690500 cdb848 979700 c0ff64 2e6cf8 51ac 203e9c d66c53 3ba38a 9e7c6b 361948 eeeb64 1e75b3 ca84ff 66f40e 926ea3 60ae7c a36ad bcff7d 50c11d 8e1900 690000 45dc1e 33305d 338120 72456f 8b0100 c7866f 5c3494 b23bad 9ad5a7 170f00 ff7ed9 b68b91 1272a 30ff37 6cab7b 887fa3 c9420f ffebff 6a0606 b60000 70e2 eed7d8 1bdbff c98988 af0031 aaff37 fff685 d1b7f4 e43a86 e0a4ff 2594 57393e ac6e6e 1a1ecf df323a de75 130077 e560ff 586905 116fa3 a270a9 4db4af c196ff 5cbad6 e9d613 5f69ff a7863b d6ff99 7100bf a54a39 15853e 8cae78 46e53a acff49 16de96 88ed00 7528ff bb48 b7dece d7ffb8 bf7ce ad65c1 845000 fff4b3 ff9ffe bf6b40 8a8192 1ed57a 986c2e 42ff51 d2bb35 2e0298 a8a8e7 c239ff 6b4c68 c0481a ce223a 4bffd9 6181bb 63750d 95a32d 6985e8 bea3b5 200000 8af9d0 a84839 f8064 4ae71 3aef2e 942fd7 606354 9ad27b b0d3d4 398551 3d1991 70ffff ffffff ;

To use the attached code copy it to Notepad and save the extension to .fract,
Now Mandelbulber will be able to process the code into a picture.

Since there is no preview, I'm hoping all this will work  A Beer Cup

trying again with a smaller image

Total Favorities: 1 View Who Favorited
Filesize: 393.38kB
Height: 450 Width: 600
Discussion Topic: View Topic
Posted by: tomot April 17, 2011, 03:46:05 PM

Rating: ***** by 2 members.

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Fractal Supremo
Posts: 1175

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April 20, 2011, 11:46:22 AM
here a small "howto" for annother method uploading the parameters of mandelbulber:

  • upload the image in the gallery view (not in the topic view)
  • change to the topic view of the depending gallery. your image is linked there in a new topic.
  • open this topic
  • as your image is only a link in this topic, you can attach the fract-file (changed to a txt for example) here

to see the result.

Forums Newbie
Posts: 0

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April 19, 2011, 03:14:55 AM
April 17, 2011, 11:02:16 PM
Hmm... The .fract file contains all settings. It works when I do it on my end, though in the image I linked, the ambient occlusion map points to a custom image - if you replace it with the standard it should work(?). What kind of error do you get when you load it?

I first tried posting the .fract file inside the image's description, but it only made the image disappear.

Edit: I just realized, maybe I misled you... I had previously posted the IFS parameters I used in the image's description, as I could think of no viable means of sharing the entire .fract file. The contents of the .fract file are shared in a comment/post to my own image. Sorry for the confusion.
Posts: 179

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April 17, 2011, 09:17:56 PM
Your approach does not work!  sad try it yourself: enter your own parms in the program.
There are simply to many other settings tht are important, that's why the entire .fract file is needed.

don't worry about the diff version number sooner or later all your new .fract file will also show from older version, when the next version arrives.

However, try a posting a .fract file as code, along with a pic. I'm curious to see if your pic will also go missing.
April 17, 2011, 07:06:40 PM
Ok, I've tried a few different approaches for sharing parameters; I think the easiest way is to post the parameters as a comment to your image. I did it here, and it seems to work. I'll post the parameters for my other fractals sometime later today.
April 17, 2011, 06:46:22 PM
Yeah, np, it gave me a notice about different mandelbulber versions - I'm presuming that you're on pre-1.00?

What does your BB code look like btw?
Posts: 179

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April 17, 2011, 04:00:44 PM
@junkdog were you able to extract the code, successfully....I''m curious!
Posts: 179

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April 17, 2011, 03:49:16 PM
tried a smaller image, ....that's not working either!
April 17, 2011, 06:34:02 AM
I just noticed that following the View Topic link displays the page properly.
April 17, 2011, 06:28:11 AM
Ah, I hope it's doable on the forum. I too would like an easy method for sharing .fract files, be that as an attached file, friendlier format or whatever is convenient.

Edit: thanks for sharing smiley
Posts: 179

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April 16, 2011, 10:48:49 PM
well that's clearly not working!

1. the picture is missing, when I click the Gallery icon on the main forum page?
2. doing a select all in the code window will select the entire web page, whats up with that?
maybe the Admin has an answer?

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